Stupid gun ideas.

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Nov 28, 2011
Where the Army puts me
I had a guy come into the shop today who just became able to own a gun again. I have no clue why he felt the need to have a gun RIGHT NOW but he kept saying I NEED one in the house. Long story short he came in asking about my gunsmithing and he wanted to somehow thread 6" to the end of the barrel of this Saiga shotgun he ordered. Also he wanted me to mount a 308 to the bottom of his Saiga shotgun so he could shoot a 1/2mile......... So I had to brake his heart a few times on how his ultimate 12ga/308/full auto gun would not work for CQB and precision long range shooting with all the drum mags and craziness he wanted and the fact he couldn't have the gun due to NFA rules to begin with. Then the magical statement came up "Well how can Redjacket Firearms sell their stuff then" after wasting 1.5hours of my time I told him to call redjacket and they would help him out because he was not listening to anything I had to say. What would you have done? I try to educate everyone who has questions or doesn't know guns or gun laws.
Tell him you'd put a shotgun on a rifle for him instead? ;)

The best thing you can tell folks is that TV, even "reality" TV, isn't reality.
now quit trying to teach the pig to sing, you're just wasting your time and annoying the pig
next realize that there is a time for the pat answer of "I'm sorry but that is not something that we can do." and every time he asks why, just say, it's not legal and beyond your ability.

leave it at that.
and if he still pushes, just tell him the truth "dude, you are an idiot, just leave."
He cost you lots of time, and paid NOTHING, there comes a time to realize that people who are NOT paying customers, and never will be, should be sifted out, 80% of your sales will be from 20% of your customers.
Oh I thought this was going to be a thread where we get to post our stupid gun ideas. I was all ready to go with a .50 GI SMG.
There is a shotgun assembly you can add to an AR in .308 in place of the 40mm grenade launcher. Thats all I got.
They are common here as well. One of my favorite small game guns is a Savage model 24 22LR over 3" 20 ga.
Might be you suggest that he go to work for Red Jacket Arms if that is what he wants to fool with.:D Or say that you aren't as smart as TV producers and go ask them where to get one.:D Two I can't do that legally's and I would have politely said I have something pressing to do rite now. Followed by could you see if you can find it on the internet for me first??:cool:
Maybe he could get a railed Saiga, and a railed .308 then just sick them together with crazy glue? It's amazing the ideas that people get in their heads about what they can and can't do with guns. I knew someone who for years didn't put FMJs and JHPs into the same magazine because they thought they couldn't...:banghead:

If it were me I'd advise him that god gave him two hands for a reason.
So he see's this stuff done on the Red Jacket TV show and just assumes that any LGS should be able to do the same....
What a Moron.... Too bad he wasn't culled from the herd before his right was reinstated.
Seems to me that you did just the right thing. Yes, it took a lot of time, but it appears that he left feeling positive about your shop. He might tell someone or return himself (presumably with a more sane idea). If you shuffled him out and angered him, he likely would tell others and despite his misconceptions, it could be bad for business.
The only exception is if you had other business waiting while you diplomatically argued with him.
As always, there's nothing more valuable than providing good service to a (potential) customer.
Guys really he was coming up with the most far out there ideas. He wanted to know if I could thread the end of his barrel so he could have an other "piece" to make it longer so he could shoot further. He was nervous like the government zombies were coming tomorrow wanting to "just put two guns together" upside down and crap. He had no clue about weapons what so ever I did the best I could.
You just cant please everybody.
There is no way I would sell someone in a hurry a slingshot much less a firearm so just think of it as deposition prevention.
I understand

AND think you were more than patient with that Darwin reject.

I doubt I would have been so kind.

I think that show is beyond dumb,and will tell any that watch it that its "reality TV" meaning it has NOTHING to do with reality.

As do all reality shows.

btw,a friend went there to see the shop,he was stopped by a security guard and told he could not enter and that entry was restricted ?.

I have actually made it through about 3 shows and consider that I lost enough brain cells from that alone.I dont need to lose more = or I could just sniff glue.
you did the right thing, sorry about the wasted time. I have to match wallyworld prices here so you can forget the 10% mark-up. Not too many gun-nuts like yours but sometimes I'll spend way too much time talking to make $15
cylcops does bring up a good point... one way to prevent gun crime without further goverment intervention is for gun shops to exercise their right to DECLINE SALE to obvious morons or whackos... anybody that comes in looking squirrely and wanting to stack a shotgun on a machine gun on a bazooka and asking if those rounds will go though body armor or blow up a truck... probably DESERVES to be given the stink-eye by the responsible mn behind the counter.
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