Suicide gun...would you want one?

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Dec 25, 2002
NW Florida
A fellow co-worker and I had a discussion today concerning inheriting guns. He said that he was inheriting a few guns from his father who died of "natural" causes, but would not want one if it was a suicide gun.

For obvious reasons I would not want one that a family member had used, but then I don't think I'd want one that anyone used. It's the bad vibes or mojo that would have me leery. I'm sure there are a few on the market that were returned to the family and sold, so you never know.

Would a gun's history "spook" you?
My local gun shop got "one" in from the County Sheriff not too long ago. It really did need a serious cleaning. If I knew what it was I am not sure I would want it but once it was in the display case I'm not sure it mattered.
Would a gun's history "spook" you?

A gun is just a hunk of metal, wood and plastic. It has no life, feelings or Soul.
The gun may have been used in some bad event but that doesn't make the gun evil or spooky or brave. It's just a tool, nothing more, nothing less.

People want to give things some kind of supernatural life but it's still just dead wood, plastic, clay, metal, whatever, not something that is alive that could be good or evil.

When I was young my Father killed himsewlf with a shotgun.
I don't know what ever happened to the shotgun but if I had it, it would only be a shotgun that my Father happened to choose to kill himself with. Nothing more, nothing less.
I have one. I have a Colt .38 revolver that was purchased from a dealer who took all of the evidence room guns from a local PD in trade for new semi-autos. I knew it was used by someone to commit suicide. Doesn't bother me. It's an inanimate object. It had nothing to do with the decision the person who used it to end his life made.

Out on the interstate there is a bridge abutment that someone used along with a car to end his life. People drive over it every day without a second thought.
I don't think I would if it was from a friend or family member. I won't say I absolutely wouldn't want it, but I doubt it.

From someone I don't know? I don't think I would care at all.
If you have any pre-owned firearms, how do you know you don't already have one with this dubious provenance? It would not put me off.
I've got one. I don't attribute bad karma or anything spooky to it and I do shoot it on occasion. Mostly it's just a sad reminder of a good friend.
I've got one...

An absolutely pristine Colt .32 pocket pistol, only one round ever put through it. Guy bought it, walked across the street to his motel, loaded a single round and kissed this life goodby. All back in the mid-fifties. A LEO took the gun, put it in the box and put it in his home safe until 2 yrs ago, when he offered it to me.
Sad history.
Nice gun.
We used to get them (buy 'em from the Sherriffs Dept), in our store evey other year er so.
The only thing wrong with them was that they had an incident number engraved into 'em allways on the largest most noticable area.
Other'nat jist 'nother gun and the only reason i wouldn't want one was coz o' that UGLY scratchin on 'em.
Call me cold, but I see no difference between the aforementioned .32 colt suicide gun, one shot fired.....and my fathers j.c. higgins/mauser 30-06 that has killed 100+ deer, a few elk, a bear or two... guns were invented for a reason and I don't get overly weepy about someone else's unfortunate decisions, long since gone.
It would bother me. I don't consider myself a religious or spiritual person but why tempt fate? It's the same reason I would never move into a house where somebody died.
The gun is just a machine, but it could be a constant reminder of a painful episode that I might not want to be reminded of.
Chances are good that a few of the surplus firearms that have been imported into this country have been used to kill others. So maybe some of us have a few of those firearms in our collection already. The thing is, we don't know for sure, we could just speculate.

But for a firearm something solidly tied to someones death especially a suicide:... unless it sold for next to nothing or was given to me..I'd think I'd pass on it. There is too many other firearms out there to choose from.
I've got one that I purchased for 20 bucks or so due to the severe etching (probably blood). Owen (moderator) has seen it.

No idea if it was a suicide or murder or accident that had the gun laying in a pool of blood.

Shoots fine. :p
Back in the fifties a friend showed me his single action western style six shooter (complete with well worn holster and belt) that his father had inherited from his grandfather, formerly a mid-west country Sheriff. Wish I could remember the caliber but it was a big one. It had a couple of notches on one of the wood grips. We always assumed they meant what they indicated. It was a prized family heirloom.
you'd better buy all your houses new then ... people die in their homes frequently, and there isn't a database of "corpsed-up" houses.
Lol. Should have been a bit more specific about the house comment. Applies more to houses where someone was killed. The current home I live on is new and the land used to be a golf course so I think I'm alright. When I was younger in NYC we moved to an apartment where someone died of natural causes. Maybe it was because I was young but there was always something "off" about the place.

Who knows, I could own a suicide gun and not even know it. Just saying if I knew the gun was a suicide gun I would probably take a pass on it. Unless it was a smoking deal then I might have to reconsider;)
My LGS does started out as primarily a gun and supply store to LE and military. They used to have tons of LE confiscated guns for sell that were traded in by departments for credit. I bought quite a few that could easily have been used to kill someone. Never bothered me but of course i never knew that a gun certainly killed someone.

If a gun were used to kill a loved one i might keep it but would certainly not use it.
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