Sunday's Dateline Story

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Jan 2, 2003
Cumming, GA
A black truck driver is threatened for being with a white woman. They are in his truck cab. He jumps out and shoots thirteen times, the redneck fell early, the shooter kept shooting. The shooter was aquitted. Looks like a double standard to me.

If I shot an african american 7+(out of 13) times, several times after he fell, would ther reverends Jackson and Sharpton be marching...

A white woman shoots another white woman with whom she had roadway issues. The second gets out of her car approahes the first, threatens, is shot, first is charged with manslaughter...

When can you protect yourself and when can't you....


Sunday's Dateline Story

A black truck driver is threatened for being with a white woman. They are in his truck cab. He jumps out and shoots thirteen times, the redneck fell early, the shooter kept shooting. The shooter was aquitted. Looks like a double standard to me.

It is. The jurors interviewed said as much. They said they wanted other people to know that the people in their county had "changed", in other words, were more Afro-american friendly.

I think the truth is that the guy had it coming. he spent about four hours baiting the guy with racist remarks including the "which tree are we going to hang him from" remark. He followed him with the intent on beating the hell out of him. he baited him with more racist remarks and tried to force his way into the cab of the guy's truck.

Obviously, unloading the full magazine went way beyond what was needed for self defense. But on the other hand, the human race didn't lose any valuable genetic material for the old gene pool that night. Maybe it came out the way it was supposed to.
I cant see how this guy got away with this. I have a friend that has been in prison for 20 yrs now for shooting a man one time and witnesses say that it was self defense. The State said murder.

I know of another guy that killed in anger at a party. He used a knife stabbed the other guy around 4 or 5 times he spent 8 yrs in prison and is now walking the streets of our neighborhood again as if he had done no wrong.:confused:
DOT should jump all over his @$$ for that, because you CAN NOT have a firearm of anykind in a semi
I know a lot of truck drivers. Guess no one told them that.
I could go with self-defense if he was PULLED out of his truck - which is what he said on the stand (probably after being coached). I'd even be okay with him saying the white guy got the door open and he was scared. However, he said in his confession/statment (that night) that he JUMPED out of the truck.
I'm a little confused as to how the white woman got hit (seems like they said the white guy hit her?) But she admitted on the stand after sitting up there spewing out "facts" that she was too drunk to remember anything. She said she had 2 cases - 48 beers! Is that even possible?
And there's the guys LEO brother that supposedly lightened up the trigger - that's why it went off. Um, wouldn't you take that to mean that he didn't mean to pull the trigger? They didn't focus on that, but I'm thinking they wanted us to believe he might have accidentally fired 13 times because of the light trigger pull. Yeah, right.
Plus a witness saw the shots fired horizontal, then some verticle - meaning it appears he stood over the guy to finish him off.
I think the dude was a little scared and a lot pissed.
That's my 2 ¢
Just goes to show ya, if you get the right jury, the facts don't really need to be present. (ain't that right OJ?)

And this guy's not even a rich former athlete.

But he's still alive and not hanging from a tree.

I have taken care of patients that regularly drank a case of beer and 2 quarts of vodka a day or similar amounts. The problem is, about 48-72 hours after they quit drinking they go through withdrawl. Unlike most hard drugs like heroin, where the withdrawl makes you want to die, without the proper medical care (and often, in extreme cases like this, a barbituate coma that is medically induced) the alcoholic can die from withdrawl related siezure activity. So, to answer the question: yes, they can drink that much.
In the "Dateline" case, the two lawyers representing the defendant had never tried a murder case before. They were pretty much fresh out of law school and were just throwing theories out to the jury. According to the jurors who ere interviewed, they didn't buy most of the theories. However, the shootee wasn't a particularly sympathetic victim and it was probably pretty easy for he jury to believe that the shooter was a reasonable person who feared for his life. In many States, that's the measure for justifiable homicide.

All the people involved in the case were pretty low-class, trashy people. Good riddance to bad rubbish!
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