T.V. Show Jerico

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Ohio Gun Guy

Apr 29, 2008
Central Ohio
Did anyone else here watch that? I found it interesting and from a SHTF point of view, it certainly contained some things that make you re-think some of your assumptions about that specific type of scenario.

1. Necessity to group up
2. Basic needs of people & resulting bartering, trading, Piracy
3. ETC....

Some parts did get a little un-likely IMO, but overall I thought it was definately interesting. Lots of gun scenes.
I was a big fan of Jericho and I was very unhappy when they finally cancelled it. I don’t know how realistically it portrayed the scenario of a limited nuclear attack on the United States but overall I think it was one of the best shows on television. Apparently, I was in the minority with that opinion.
You should read

Pt Frank's "Alas Babylon" which was a required read in my Texas school back in the cold war days. I'm sure the Jericho writers have read it....
I just started to watch it, and it is actually pretty realistic in what they do with the firearms. Well, when Robert shot the Ravenwood sniper, it was a little quiet (suppressed sniper rifle) but other than that....
I liked it even though it got slow at times. Another good one canceled before it's time was Firefly.
I am very interested in the survival topic, but I found the show BORING. Hence I watched the first 4-5 episodes and then punted.
Loved the show and followed it closely, was bummed when it was cancelled. I found the show topic, although not based on reality, to be very realistic and was very intrigued by the "BlackWater" likeness, anyone else caught onto that?
Yeah, the Ravenwood group was supposedly modeled after Blackwater. Which does bring up a good point, there are a number of organized and well armed groups that, in the event of a true SHTF scenario, might not be the good guys they are in the civilized world. I wonder how many SHTF planners take rogue police, military, or PMCs into account. It could prove to be a problem.
Okay but answer me this, if there is no power etc. They are cut off from everyone, how is it that they drive everywhere they go? I need one of those cars that need no gas.
For sure there were things in the show that may not have been thought through, but as far as gas goes there were many scenes of rationing and removing gas from vehicles, etc. Also, only the older non computerized cars worked due to the EMP from the nukes.

The most realistic thing that bothered me was the "Ravenwood" plot line. In a real SHTF scenario, if there were groups like that, they would be extremely dangerous. Additionally, it is bothersome that our government is so fond of doing business with Blackwater, etc. That part seemed really plausible :mad:
Robert Hawkins is the BOMB...

In fact, when we watched the movie Clover Field (interesting SHTF movie) one of the characters name was Robert Hawkins... I remember thinking he was an unworthy successor to the name.

Regarding Jericho - Ravenwood and the piracy (raiding parties for packaged goods) were very realistic, I also thought the trading ground was interesting, kind of like Mad Max meets Kansas.

The begining part of the emergency didn't last long enough. For instance the MAJOR shifts would occur in the first year mostly in the first 3 or 4 months. After 1 or 2 years, not that much would change, you would be intergrated into your new reality.
but as far as gas goes there were many scenes of rationing and removing gas from vehicles

Okay the few I have watched, didn't see that going on. However fuel tends to get pretty rank and not very burnable in a very short period of time.
Very true. I've noticed that most of the shows I enjoy end up canceled. As a result, I don't watch a lot of TV these days, except for two shows and the reruns of my canceled favorites. Maybe that's for the best.
good, if you don't start to like them, hopefully the good shows won't get canceled. :D
For all of you who thought Jericho was superb, just like me, look for the book "Light's Out" by David Crawford. This book is in my opinion even better than Jericho. Also way more realistic.

If you cannot seem to find it, pm me your email adress, and I'll forward my pdf copy of it.


My favorite part of Jericho was that Columbus, Ohio wasn't leveled.....because the nuke destined for it ended up in Jericho.
Other than that, my wife enjoyed the show far more than I did. It was too predictable, ponderously slow at times, tended to jump plot lines, and reminded me of SHTF meets All My Children. Even the guns couldn't redeem it for me.
Now Firefly, that was another matter entirely! ;)
I liked it even though it got slow at times. Another good one canceled before it's time was Firefly.
+1 to that!

I read somewhere that our goverment had a hand in canceling the show. Maybe the new president will allow it to return.
Sounds rediculous to me. Comments about government conspiracies to cancel TV shows are probably one of the reasons the antis think we're all crazy.
Considering THR's purpose we should focus on the firearms related aspects of the show and not on it's general merits.

I found the mixture of firearms and their distribution to be pretty realistic. Hunting rifles and shotguns predominated, as they would have in the "real world'. Everyone didn't have an AR or AK or cases and cases of ammunition (well, everyone outside of the survivalist compound didn't) and yet they were able to put their weapons to good use when good tactics and the advantage of home turf were used.
I like how they use blanks in Jericho.

I love the scene when the Ravenwood squad suppress' the hell out of Jericho's residents during the stand off at the bridge. 'real' Assault Weapons ladies 'n' gents!

I HATE the scene where they ambush the neighboring town's mortar squad, they ALL have rifles, and it takes them hundreds of rounds to nail a couple guys.

Still very fun watch, and different. I enjoyed, wish it was never cancelled.:cuss:
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