Tactical flashlights for home defense

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I really don't see why being able to identify what you might shoot at is a disadvantage.
We don't normally leave a light on although I do have a few motion detector lights plugged into wall sockets that turn on in low light scenarios with motion.
Well, I guess we can turn the light switch on. Who then has the advantage?
I have similar lights in my home. Very effective. Knowing one's home surroundings gives the edge over the BG, lights withstanding...:)
A quick burst of light in the intruders vision is enough to blind them momentarily and let you make positive identification. That split second is worth it to avoid shooting a member of your family or a guest that might be staying in your house. The BG is usually not looking for a fight and just wants to steal your property (I know, always exceptions to the rules). They usually are not trained to shoot at the light. If you have training then most likely you are behind some sort of cover in the first place (time permitting). The initial shock of the bright light causes a natural reflex to cover ones eyes and that second or two helps give you the advantage. Why not take advantage of the situation?
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