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Phyphor said:
I sent this to that addy:

"Oh, the wit, the verve.

Haven't you ever considered for a moment that some folks might just like to be able to defend themselves, rather than depend on the police?

May not be totally high-road, but it might be amusing to see just what befalls...

The twit who said this (E. BETITO" [email protected]) has received several hundred emails from people in Ontario, and the rest of Canada.

But, thank you for the effort. Any little bit helps.

Oh and PS: Our prime minister is blathering on about getting tough with American trade, and a cart full of empty promises. I guess I should apologize for him too as he is a confirmed idiot. We enjoy our friendship with our American neighbours, respect your opinions and WILL proceed in a future of cooperation and safety. I speak for a vast majority of Canadian, who are not represented in anyway by our current government.

See http://www.handgunban.org for verification of what Canadians think of gun bans.

We had a Mexican national tell us that pistols are OK (up to .38) but rifles are hard to get. Rifles are, after all, more a threat to the government.

This is funny considering that here and most other countys put restrictions on handguns before anything else. In fact in some states here it is almost impossable to legally own a handgun.

First they will get rid of the "concealable" handgun, then they will demonstrate the long range effectivness of your "sniper" rifle as they try to ban all of those after the handguns.......
Old Dog said:
Why is it, whenever threads about Canada (and Australia, too, come to think of it) come up, people say this stuff (and I'm sure many who do say this stuff have never spent much time up there)? Yes, the gun laws up North are outrageous and the lunatics are in power, but there are so many great people up there and it is truly a wonderful country in so many other respects. There is a substantial gun culture up there, and a lot of good folks fighting the good fight ...

Uh, maybe because the right to own a variety of different firearms with minimal government harassment is important to some people? Have I ever been to Canada? Yes, about a dozen times over the last 20 years. I have been to a variety of places too, everything from small towns and Indian Reservations to large cities like Toronto. I met a lot of nice people, but then again I met a lot of nice people in my birth state of Illinois. I beat it out of Illinois because it got too crazy for me. FOID cards, waiting periods, no CCW, corrupt Chicago Democrats running the state, home rules, ammo shipping restrictions, etc., etc. If I moved out of Illinois to avoid all of that what do you think the odds are that I would move to Canada?

Don't sweat it Lionhill, there are tons of idiots here in the states.
Tue, December 20, 2005
A shot from the lip


Article- A shot from the lip (betito resigns)

OAKVILLE -- The president of the Oakville Liberal riding association has resigned after telling a voter unhappy with gun control to take her "gun-loving ass back to the U.S."

Elie Betito's response to a voter about Liberal handgun policy was disturbing and highly inappropriate, said Lindsay Williams, the Liberal campaign director in the riding.

Williams said Liberal incumbent Bonnie Brown was "disturbed by the terrible way it was handled."


At issue was an e-mail exchange initiated by Stacey Cherwonak, who identified herself as a sport shooter and wrote to Brown's campaign to take issue with Prime Minister Paul Martin's proposal to ban handgun ownership as a crime-fighting measure.

"In addition to the millions (if not billions) of dollars that your party has stolen from Canadians since 1993, Paul Martin's speech today makes it clear that your party's word isn't worth the breath it's spoken with," Cherwonak wrote.

"After work today, I signed up as a member of the Conservative Party of Canada, along with a $100 donation."

She concluded with an observation that she was "sick to death of you lying bastards."


In his response on Dec. 9, Betito told Cherwonak to "take your NRA gun-loving ass back to the U.S. where you belong."

Brown's spokesman said Cherwonak was not a constituent and noted that she had used profanity in her original message. But she said that didn't excuse Betito.

Williams said Betito had been riding association president for about two years.

"He is sorry for what he did, and realizes that the profanity in the original e-mail got the better of him emotionally."

Betito could not be reached for comment.

K-Romulus said:
Is that like an equestrian club or something?:confused:

A riding is like an area that a candidate runs in an election for (I believe it is from old english, where a riding was an area where one group would have boundaries around their town for their hunt) in specific towns and cities.

Good example of socialism vs. capitalism. Canada is a good look at what can happen if we ignore our rights a little too long. Learn from history and change the course of the future.
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