Tale From the North

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Jan 13, 2005
Orange County California
I live in California, and I sometimes have to call an office in Montreal, Canada. There is a lady there that I will chat with on the phone while generating reports and what not. Anyway, she just told me a peculiar story.

Apparently, she moved into a neighborhood that was undergoing gentrification. She likes her apartment and her neighbors, but she was shocked when she heard a commotion in front of her building only to learn that a man had been shot and killed.

She told me that she is very afraid now. She is afraid to go home.

Being that she is Canadian, I wanted to offer her some advice on a sensible, but moderate defensive weapon. I suggested that she get a can of pepper spray. She told me that she wouldn't feel safe with pepper spray in her house, "what if an attacker took it away and used it on me?"

At this point, I couldn't resist. I then suggested that she get a handgun. I don't think she will take my calls anymore.

Mauser! What were you thinking, dude! You obviously should have recommended she build one of these! You missed a chance to convert an anti! :neener:

pepper spray is prohibited. Carrying anything designed to be used as a weapon is prohibited. That was bad advice. Well, at least concealed is bad.

Good advice would be to get BEAR spray, to be used for PROTECTION, against DOGS OR BEARS. Protection from WILDLIFE is not banned. But if you have pennies in a sock it could be a crime, depending on whether you planned to use it as a weapon or a change purse. So if you're in Canada remember, you are NEVER carrying a weapon, no matter how innocent the question sounds when asked. I think it has to do with establishing intent.
Too bad she lives in Canada where guns are so retrictive, unless you are a criminal obviously! From the sounds of it she is the type of person who would not fight back anyway so it wouldnt matter what she used for self defense. Pitiful, isnt it?

By the way Phaetos, move to Montana. I've been to Wyoming and I don't like it near as much as I like Montana. Besides, I have NEVER found a decent restaurant in Wyoming.
It is a historically sad truth that Lucky points out. When rulers/governments strip a populace of their weapons they have to discuise their means of self defence.

The same thing occured centuries ago in Okanawa when the Japanese outlawed swords. Okanawans had to learn to turn their farming tools into weapons to defend themselves. Some of todays most famous martial arts weapons (nunchukas, Sais, Tonfas, Kamas, etc.) were born from this.

We must always remember, when governments are allowed to outlaw the weapons of self-defense, people lose their very RIGHT to self-defense.
It still doesn't sound as though she has the heart or courage and will to actually defend herself. I hope I'm wrong for her sake, but I doubt it.
Carrying anything designed to be used as a weapon is prohibited. That was bad advice. Well, at least concealed is bad.

Well if your using it for defence then it was also designed to defend. On a really sincere note, it wouldn't hurt to describe said things as being designed for preotection. You have to chose your words carefully in this easily swayed world

Yes I'm serious...

Firearms are not supposed to be out in the open in Canada... so having a 12 gage at hand is not exactly legal, it would have to be locked up. Even then it would be equal force rules...

They were going to arrest some 80+ year old back where I'm from because he shanked some kid coming through his window in the wee hours, the old man used a pocket knife with about a 1" blade... dangerous stuff... better lock up the pensioners.
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