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Talked with an American Catholic via Vietnam

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Dec 25, 2002
Sacred lair
Thought some people might find my conversation with a guy last week to be interesting.

I was on a job site, when a fellow Engineer comes up to me. I've never met this guy, and we talked shop for a while. Then we go to his on-site office, and we talk about his nation of origin. Vietnam. I didn't even say a word for the next thirty minutes. His blood pressure goes up and he rips into his former nation.

When he was 15yo in the mid to late 80's, a draft was coming down to fight in some war with some famous commie in Cambodia. His mom told him to leave as he was old enough to hold an AK47 and therefore old enough to be drafted into the people's army. For the next 2 months he saves up enough money to buy 10 gallons of gas, a little bribe money, and a ticket on a 20' boat outta dodge. The night he leaves country he, and about 30 others pack onto the boat in the dead of night, with no food, and no water, and a 15HP pull-start boat motor and head off into the Pacific Ocean. All the younger kids had to stay up all night using buckets to empty the water out of the boat.

During the day, the captain would pull into some small island a dump everyone off and then leave to hide the boat. On the island they would scavange for food and H2O. They traveled like this for about 2.5 weeks.

As they got close to Thailand, a military boat approached them. He said he was nervous until he saw the black rifles the men were carrying. It was a Thai naval ship. He was taken to a refugee camp in Thailand and then got papers to the USA after about a 1 year stay in the camp. He gets to the USA & learns English, becomes a citizen, goes to College and becomes and Engineer.

He also told me about how the Vietnamese .gov oppresses everyone. It was amazing. If you cause the .gov any grief, or upset a .gov lacky, the .gov will pay some child to hide a pistol on or close to your property and have you arrested and executed as an enemy of the state.

To keep people from being wealthy, one technique is to announce in the morning that a new currency is now in effect and the old currency must be exchanged today. But only a maximum of $100.00 will be exchanged per individual. So if you have $200 and want to exchange it, you'll only get $100 max. And any of the old money is just paper and worthless as of the moment the new currency is announced. He said the smart people buy gold and diamonds.

In elementary school, his class would be brought into the yard to throw stones and rocks at older people you owned land. The police would tell the kids that the old people were capitalists and rich, and therefore these evil capitalists were the ones keeping them poor and taking there money.

During mass, the priests couldn't say anything the government officials would consider subversive. Otherwise the priest would be deported. He said the diocese <sp?> had just a couple of priests and that one of them was almost 100yo.

If you wanted to send a friend or grandchild a gift, such as a box of candy. The police would first open the mail and determine on the spot how much should be "taxed" Most times he said if it was something nice like candy, the police would just take it.

The police would often arrive at his house and search the house. If they found too much rice or whatever, they would take it for the state, and often accuse the parents of hoarding and subverting the state.

His Uncle's land was taken from him. The state took almost all his land. Actually the state said that the land still belonged to his Uncle, but the state was managing it. Yet another government approved family would farm it. The state would get 70% of the yield for managing it, and the government approved family got the rest. His uncle got to live.

He told many more stories as well. One after another. I sat in 'shock and awe' while he spoke. I asked him if he read the constitution to become a citizen. He said yes. I asked him his take on the second amendment. He explained what he knew. I told him that one purpose of the second amendment is about arming the individual people so they could have a chance of killing oppressive governments and police. At this point, he became stone silent. A look of deep contemplation and thought was on his face. Then he looks at me in dire seriousness and said, "You know, who ever put this second amendment into this Constitution, he was a very wise and smart person, with great foresight."

You know, who ever put this second amendment into this Constitution, he was a very wise and smart person, with great foresight."


Living in a stable, free society, it's easy to forget that some truly evil thing happen in the world.

Evil is _never_ foisted upon the armed by the unarmed.
It is _always_ the other way around.

Thanks for the reminder.
During mass, the priests couldn't say anything the government officials would consider subversive. Otherwise the priest would be deported.
Let that be a lesson to those who claim that there is no right to separation of church and state ... who say that as long as the goverment doesn't officially establish a religion, then all is well. Hey, the Vietnamese Communists didn't establish a religion.

Remember boys and girls, when we give the goverment the power to promote our religious values, we also give it the power to destroy them.
To keep people from being wealthy, one technique is to announce in the morning that a new currency is now in effect and the old currency must be exchanged today. But only a maximum of $100.00 will be exchanged per individual. So if you have $200 and want to exchange it, you'll only get $100 max. And any of the old money is just paper and worthless as of the moment the new currency is announced. He said the smart people buy gold and diamonds.
I can't comment on every thing he say's but this I know is incorrect. My wife is from Vietnam and we have made several trips there over the past 10 years the money is the same now as it was then and worth roughly the same. Her uncle's family ownes quite a bit of land that they farm or rent out, for a portion of the harvest. And her uncle's mother owns a nice house and recieves support from her children overseas.
If the famous Cambodian commie he speaks of is Pol Pot , his gov't was toppled in 78, which was the year that Vietnam invaded Camdodia.
And it is not only the smart people that buy gold it's pretty much everybody, ever notice that most Asian women wear a lot of rings and gold bracelets, that's not vanity that's their savings account, at least where my wife comes from.
My dad was a machinist at United Airlines. A lot of the guys he knew from work were Europeans (he was a Brit himself) and some were escapees from Hungary, Checkoslovakia and the like.

The stories sound REAL familiar compared when with that Viet.
semf: Vietnam has gotten somewhat better of late, but the events described match other descriptions of 1970s Vietnam through at least 1984/5 or so. By 1990 they'd settled down some.
USSR had currency devaluation/exchanges in 1920s, 30s, 40s, 60s and 90s...each one the way you described. Vietnam might have got better lately but i doubt that we'd want to be anywhere near it.

Funny thing, when "The last days of Salvadore Aliende" was shown in Russia, not a few cheered for Pinochet over the Socialist "good guy".
Yes sir...you are correct....they were the Kemer Rouge and their leader Pol Pot was a nasty kinda rascal.
OK I guess my problem with the story is the time line. If he was 15 in "the mid to late 80's" lets say '85 then he would have been 5-10 when the Khmer Rouge was toppled. Vietnam occupied the country until '89 and then set up it's puppet govt.

I don't disagree that Communism is a oppressive form of govt but I think ,as most of us are prone to do, the story teller is exaggerating a bit. When I was a kid I walked about a mile to school but somehow with repeated tellinga of the story it gets a little further.

If he was 15 when he left he would have little knowledge of politics outside of his village even today most people do not travel more than 50 miles from their birth village in their lifetime.

Most people who flee their country for America are doing it for financial reasons We are all millionaires and the govt pays for our children and pays us when we get old or sick and hospitals are free. This looks very good to someone who must have children to be supported in their old age but must work hard to feed and clothe those children.

But those reasons don't sound as noble as leaving for political reasons. That's why there is a difference between our immigation policies with Haiti and Cuba. The official stance is that Haitian are fleeing economic oppresion and should stay in their country to make it better, and that Cubans are fleeing political oppression because we don't like Castro.
To keep people from being wealthy, one technique is to announce in the morning that a new currency is now in effect and the old currency must be exchanged today. But only a maximum of $100.00 will be exchanged per individual. So if you have $200 and want to exchange it, you'll only get $100 max. And any of the old money is just paper and worthless as of the moment the new currency is announced. He said the smart people buy gold and diamonds.
I have talked with people about this. However their recollection is that this happened during our involvement in Vietnam with the Red Script /Green Script scheme to curb blackmarket activity. But I wasn't there at that time I can only go on their word.
semf, would this not depend if the person Matt talked to was one of Chinese ancestry who did not leave in the `70s? Did they not suffer continued presecution after the CPPRV decided to follow the PRC model more--"it does not matter the colour of the cat, as long as it catches mice"?

You know I did not think of that.
There is a fairly large Mandarin minoity in Vietnam that seems to be accepted now (a little better than blacks were here in the 70s). I believe that Diem was of Mandarin lineage. Of course most of their last names come from heros that fought the Chinese invaders for 1000 years.
Another possibility would be being of Montenard decent . Viet govt has been systemayically eradicating the for decades, that's why they fought for us during the war.
My wife is VietMinh which I believe is the largest ethnic group. I also know her brother cut his finger off "in a rice picking accident" to avoid the military, which my wife thinks is dispicable and has not spoken to him in many years as she would welcome the chance to get even with the Cambodians.
"it does not matter the colour of the cat, as long as it catches mice"?

El Tejon-- I'm not familiar with this, But wouldn't this be an anti racism slogan?
The Chinese were treated horribly by the DPRV after '75 as the Chinese were seen as succesful producers, a big no-no in socialism from Vietnam to California to D.C.. Thus, many of the "Vietnamese" "boat people" were of Chinese ancestry. Could be another minority as you mention.

The cat comment has nothing to do with skin colour, but ideology. It comes from the CPPRC's Deng who saw the need to "ease off" the socialism throttle in the mid-80s in certain sectors. DPRV copied this example.
I should also add that all of my time in Vietnam was spent south of Ho Chi Minh City in Vinh Long which was a Army R&R town and Naval fuel station of some sort. 90% of the people in my wifes village have never seen a white man in person. There is no running water or electricity, or newspapers but in the shopping centers the daily propaganda radio comes on at 5:00 every day.
In the cities however the economic growth over the past 10 years is amazing. The first time I went there were probably 10 cars in the whole country one was an old Chevy Nova. Last time I saw many many more and one was a Dodge Dakota, not to mention all the Harley looking bikes with names I've never heard
I saw people openly fighting with police, I was in a room with my wife's uncle while he was screaming at a local official, all I understood were the bad words, when the local police came to our house to investigate me he threw them not only out of the house but out of the village. The police in Saigon tried to pull over a friend of mine on a motorcycle he told them to got to hell and went on his way. The only guns I saw were Saigon police wearing what looked like .45s in the U.S.M.P. white cross over belt rig. and I would not swear that there were guns in the holsters.

I read an article by Cooper once, in it he stated something to the effect that soldiers do not fight for good or right they are fighting only to survive the day, when the war is over is the time for lofty ideals and theories. "I came to America to get rich" or "to avoid military service to my country" does not sound as lofty as "I left to avoid persecution." At the time the story teller is speaking of at least. The Viet govt was not shooting people in the streets for having the wrong ancesters, political or religious views. And the political prisoners from the war were being released, as Vietnam was beginning it's attempt to come back to the world.
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