Tell me about Oklahoma...

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I honestly love this state.

We need to get together for a range day. There are a lot more Okies here than I thought.

Whos in?
Depending on the where and when count me in. I don't know if it can be arranged but if possible the Tri-City gun club range would be a good place to have an Okie THR get together. Range has a picnic area and a couple of large covered barbecue grills. 200 yard rifle range, 80 yard rifle range and 25 yard pistol along with an archery and shotgun range.

There's at least one event going on most weekends but usually not both Saturday and Sunday so scheduling would be possible.
Doesn't Oklahoma have some bizarre restriction on the amount of alcohol in beer? Seems like they have the 3.2 beer, which from what I hear is like drinking O'Douls. But, you can smuggle Shiner Bock in across the Red River with no problems. :evil:

bulbboy said:
Just go to the Liquor store to buy your beer - better selection anyway!!

Oklahoma is f$$king wierd. ONLY 3.2 beer can be bought cold! You want real beer, you have to buy it warm and then take it home for another day.
Most "real" beer is only about 4% alcohol anyway, and actually low-alcohol beer is quite common in Germany, for example. There are two reasons this gets blown up into a bigger deal than it is:

1. There are two ways to measure alcohol, and to appeal to silly teenage boys people often select the one that gives a higher number.

2. The term "6% beer" has given many people the impression that "real" beer is 6% alcohol, which is hardly ever the case. The 6% is another legal threshold in some states, requiring more taxes or different labels. It's a ceiling, not a floor. There are a few really, really strong beers in the world, such as those with the ending "-ator" on their name in Germany, (Salvator, etc.) but they're pretty rare.

If it matters to you go to a liquor store, but I did a blind taste test once with some friends and no one could tell the difference.
Yes, Oklahoma has 3.2 beer, as does Kansas.

I dont believe it, though. I have arrested drunks who have had the same number of 3.2 beers as 6.o beers, and both are just as drunk. Seen it time and time again.

Also, no liquor sales on Sunday, holidays, or election days.
The beer alcohol content originated in the prohibition days, it was a way to skirt the laws in effect at the time~ the powers to be have just never got around to making it "right" by the standard all others seem to think is correct. 3 beers in a 2hr span on an emppty stomach is .08 BAC in a 190lb. person - legally drunk ( a DUI! ) and a charageable offence in this great state.

-My overall impression having lived here my whole life of 36 years, is that this state sucks hairy sweaty gonads, for the most part. But I've never lived anywhere else (besides 3-months stints in Colo, Fla, Penn, Ind, IA, and NE), so perhaps its not that much worse than other places. I'll give you the good, then the bad.


-*Relatively* friendly gun and self-defense laws. Relative to Calif, Mass, etc, but not relative to AK, VT, or really even TX. We have shall-issue CCW, but the fees are fairly high (not terribly so, but more than they should be), but you have to be 23 to get one, which I find to be complete BS - should be 21 or less. There is no deadly-force-to-protect-property-after-dark right like TX (bah!), and there are some fairly restrictive laws and DA attitudes about guns - no carry in passenger compartment of vehicle unless ammo is completely absent - this is NOT how the law reads but it IS how LEOs attempt to enforce it in the cities, and some rurual areas too. Overall, though, gun-friendly and very self-defense friendly, particularly in your home (we have the 'make-my-day' law).

-Lots of beautiful and varying landscapes, climates, rural and wilderness areas. Lots of wildlife dept game management areas, and beautiful lakes, state parks & such. Hunting is popular and accepted as a hobby amongst the general public. Lots of good hunting for deer & turkeys, plus hogs in some places, as well as quail, pheasants (some), doves, ducks, geese, but no hunting of mountain lion or black bear. You can take nuisance species year-round (hogs, beaver, coyotes, nutria). NE and SE okla are heavily forested and hilly in most places, with the Ouchita and western Ozark 'mountains'. Also have some pretty & hilly areas south central (Arbuckles), and a little SW (Witchita mountains, which are pretty big). Some elk in the Witchita range. Quite a few gun ranges and gun stores, but not enough long ranges (either clubs or public), or selection of shooting/gunsmithing gear in the stores by a long shot for my tastes. No 1000-yard ranges in central OK (that I'm aware of), and no place like Brownells.

-People are friendly and help one another out in times of crises, for the most part, but are becoming more and more rude in the cities over time just like the rest of the world. Peeps are still largely very genuine and helpful in the rural areas.

-Low, low cost of living. Particularly housing is very cheap. Your big city money from another state can buy a LOT of house here, particularly in the country.

Bad (where to start?; roughly in order from worst to least bad):

-Littering is a hobby for most people. It's truly unbelievable how many people and the magnitude of the litter people just toss out on the ground. It's an absolute joke in my view. I think we need to institute jail terms for littering, but it ain't gonna happen. The governor's office tried a campaign to curb it, and it helped a tad, but not much. People are just either so stupid they don't realize that all of us pay in lost aesthetics for their acts, or they don't care.

-Smoking. This is a particularly bad problem if you are single and looking like me, since it seems like 75% to 90% of the women I would otherwise be interested in dating around here smoke. It's absurd really, the common-ness of smoking. Can't tell you how many times I've had to nix a potential otherwise-attractive datee due to this. This also goes hand in hand with littering above, because it seems that over half the litter is contributed by smokers (I say this since I see 2-5 people a day just tossing their cigarette butts out their windows, and at least twice a week I have to pick up cigarett pack wrappers, packs, and butts from my front yard and street in front.

-Government corruption. Very high levels it seems to me. Serious good ol boy system in the gov't and courts. As a lawyer I can get a fair shake in federal court, but NOT in state court if you don't personally know the judge and the other side does, with a few exceptions of fair judges. Even worse in rural counties. Your client is screwed if he's not from the rural county in which you're representing him/her. We are taxed at very high levels, yet have little to show for it. We pay 8.375% sales tax in OKC, yet we have virtually NO sidewalks, very few city parks. We are a very unfriendly place for pedestrians (with lack of sidewalks in neighborhoods) and families seeking a cheap outing at a local park. We have some of the worst roads & bridges in the country; this despite our high tax rates and these *ridiculous* toll roads everywhere you go - funny how they never take the toll booths down even when the road/turnpike project is paid for. They tried to hike the gas tax recently to pay for roads & bridge repair, but the public wisely shot it down in flames, like 80 to 20% - we need to hold the legislature's feet to the fire for not using our previous tax dollars judiciously; not reward the dodos for having squandered it by bailing them out with a new tax.

-We are the buckle of the bible belt. Fine if you are a believer, but not if you are not. It is ridiculous in my view the incessant actions of our gov't when it comes to trying to ban books like Huck Finn from libraries, or push creationism in the schools, etc, etc, etc. The public is outraged by consensual sex acts between adults that don't meet the public's view of the norm, according to their religion (protestant Christian, of course, mostly evangelical). We are in the dark ages here. We are one of those states who's crim. justice system would likely put you on the sex offender registry for mooning the cheerleaders. I could go on and on about this. It's not a negative, however, if you believe what they believe, I suppose. Though not directly related to being in the bible belt, I will mention that because it's a law-and-order type place, the average citizen likes to throw the book at crime so to speak (which is all well and good, but...), so they think that where there's smoke, there's fire, and cops don't lie, so you'd better not be a criminal defendant around here - guilty or not, you're likely doin time. Jurors routinely hand down sentences more than the DA/DOC had recommended, and meeting the maximum allowable. Great if they're guilty, notsomuch if they're innocent. Oh, and everyone is gung-ho, peachy-keen behind the waronsomedrugs.

-Economy. Well, it sucks beyond belief. Despite our massive oil & nat. gas deposits, our economy is in the tank. Wages are low, low, low. Very hard to make a living wage from the many many service jobs which are around here. Fewer and fewer factory jobs every year. With my other negatives listed, it's not difficult to see why the movers and shakers won't come here with their skills and/or investment money. We have a low worker productivity rate and relatively bad work ethic; another reason why many employers are reluctant to come here. Lots of our good talent move the heck out when the graduate college - can't blame them - wish I would have.

-Incredibly high domestic problem situations. Extremely high divorce rate (over 50% most places, and around 60% in OK county). High levels of unwed co-habitation (which I don't view as bad per se), high levels of births out of wedlock (which I do view as bad per se in most cases). Lots of domestic abusers and dysfunctional families it seems to me.

-Given the above, the irony/hypocrisy of people is thick as it can be, given the fact that people are all self-righteous and scornful about sex issues in the public arena, yet still engage in endless catting around (see domestic problems), still smoke, still gamble a lot, and still litter (see above). It's infuriating how the morality of the average "Christian" I meet is far less than my own (an agnostic). Go figure.

Round here, it's god & guns that get you elected. Least we're 1 for 2.

Having said all that, it perhaps possible or even likely that the downsides I mentioned are true ANYWHERE you go. But I doubt it, to the extent of this state, particularly the economy and the domestic issues.

P.S. 3.2% beer gets you plenty drunk - not much different than so-called 6 point beer.
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CCW age is 21, and has been for a couple of years. Oklahoma has reduced the unlicesned carryng of a weapon in a vehicle from an arrestable offense to one that is a ticket and max fine of 70 dollars. The auto as an extension of the home law is only a few years away, in my opinion.

The wages are low, but so is the cost of living. As a police officer in a small southwestern OK city, I make ~11.00 and hour. Sounds terrible, until you consider I paid ~ 50,000 for my 1400+ sq ft hom,e on two lots, newly remodeled. State income taxes are a bit ridiculous, IMO, but not everything is good.

The police and District Attorneys are actually very pro gun in most counties other that Oklahoma County. Stanly Glanz, the Sheriff od Tulsa County is very pro-gun. We havd all kinds of natural scenery and attractions.

Personally, I love it here, and always will. The only real downfall I can think of is that we are the only state in the Union who still dont allow tattoos.
More beer!

another okie said:
Most "real" beer is only about 4% alcohol anyway, and actually low-alcohol beer is quite common in Germany, for example.

Once upon a time in a different life I worked in a brewery (Budweiser)
When the beer was shipped the alcohol content was stated on the bill of lading. There were two alcohol content amounts: 5% and 3.2%. The 5% was by far the most common to be shipped. The 3.2% generally only went to two kinds of places: military bases and pro-sports stadiums.

If it matters to you go to a liquor store, but I did a blind taste test once with some friends and no one could tell the difference.

And a very good excuse to have a party... Blindfolded beer tasting... :)

You are also right that people mostly can't tell by taste. Generally those most loudly claiming to be able to tell the difference, can't. Great fun! There are some who really can tell by taste but they are in a small minority.
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