Tell me what you know about "Freemasons"

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I'm not a Mason, but one of my best friends is. I have a real hard time imagining him involved with the dark arts. Especially if it cut into his shooting time. :)
Russ, you gave the percentage. I think you may be onto something concerning the scholars. I'm no thumper. Wish we would get back to the simple message in the Bible, and not advance private agendas through false interpretations.
Some years ago, I read in a Mason published book about the Temple, Hiram, etc. I believe that's where their square and compass symbol comes from. Have read excerpts from Pikes book, and the views of those opposed to FM ritual practices.
I've also heard about the buisiness practices that Preacherman speaks of. It happens in my area.
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Masonry is not a religion, is not demonic, is not a cult. It seeks to make good men better through a belief in the "brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God," and yes, requires a belief in a Supreme Being, without specifying which S.B.

Discussion of religion is forbidden in Lodge meetings, and no Mason considers it his business to tell you what religious faith you should practice or how you should practice it.

Masonry is basically a fraternal organization, similar to the Greek college fraternities. They have secrets, but are not a "secret society."

Masonry has been struggling with declining membership for 3 decades -- the WWII generation was the last generation to have much interest in joining such organizations.

I can write more later if anyone is interested -- I happen to work for one of the Masonic organizations and know quite a bit about them.
When I worked at Xerox in Rochester years ago, the members used to circulate lists of names of other Masons working at each facility so they knew who to contact for preferential treatment. The people on the lists were usually first in line for promotions, etc.
Sure is more heat than light in this thread. :rolleyes:

Discussion of politics or religion are not allowed in lodge. A belief in a supreme creator is part of the basis of the rituals. The dreadful punishments you may have heard of are -- at least for the last century or so -- symbolic or spiritual, not literal. An emphasis on doing good for your brother members, and for your community at large, are stressed. Many important people, from generals to a large number of the "founding fathers" are or have been members. There are always people around, usually religious or political reactionaries, who will slander that which they know nothing about.

Bottom line: don't listen to gossip, go and ask for yourself. They will not proselytize you, in fact one must ask to join as they're not allowed to recruit.


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I'm no thumper. Wish we would get back to the simple message in the Bible, and not advance private agendas through false interpretations.
You say that you are "no thumper." But what do you mean by "false interpretations"? Who decides whose interpretations are false?

but in many of the towns around where I live, it's almost essential for a businessman to be a Mason if he wants to make a living. The Masons basically patronize each other's businesses, and "shut out" anyone who doesn't belong. This is a problem for some of the members of my church: they can't be Masons, as Catholics are forbidden to belong to this group, but if they don't join the Masons, their small businesses or professional practices (lawyers, doctors, etc.) will suffer financially. Has anyone else had (or seen) this experience in their own areas?
This practice is common with all kinds of religious and social groups, Catholics included, particularly in small towns with limited economic base.
They started out in England, and migrated to the United States, as an anti-Catholic society. Less so in the US.

Many of America's Founding Fathers were Freemasons. IIRC the cornerstone of the US Capitol was laid by George Washington in a Masonic ceremony.

My Grandfather and Uncle were both high-level Masons. Other than that, I've no clue about them, as I have no desire to participate.

Apparently, you know a great deal more about this subject than you let on. Perhaps you could point us to a non-biased (or biased) history on or off the web.

I so do wish the Bible had a simple interpretation as you say. If it did there wouldn't be over 1,000 so called Christian denominations extant today. If you have a source on Freemasonry that gets down to it, then please tell us. Also, could you please tell me what hidden agenda I seem to be promoting? I wasn't aware one. My only point is that things of this nature tend to be far more complicated than most would think. Ever been to a Masonic funeral? More than I could explain there.

Thanks, Russ
Am going away for a few days. Won't be able to contribute until then.
If one wants to be a FM, that's up to them.
Will try to get a few sources presented in near future.
The Bible isn't that difficult. Just take some time to read it, desire to learn from it, and try to live it.
If your faith tells you there is one god, why join an organization that has semi religious symbology and undertones, and implies all gods may be one Supreme Being/Creator?
Wisdom and knowledge is best gotten through honest desire, spending time, and effort instead of force feedings or spending little effort seeking.
Are we placing faith in God, or mans traditions? Is God real?

Russ, and any others: My apologies if my words implie someone hear having secret agendas. Was speaking generaly. Speaking of organizations, secret or open, and the hundreds of denominations claiming they're right.
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When I was in college, I knew a guy who became a Mason. We were both in our early 20's at the time. I asked him what it was and he said it was a group of people who looked out for one another. I wasn't inclined to ask any for any more detail and left it at that.
My dad is a past master, 32end degree........... Both my Grandfathers were masons. All my uncles were masons. My cousin is a mason. I sat and watched a number of masonic funeral ceremonies over the years.

I have it on good faith that they are responsible for suppressing the metric system in this county. Of course this is in between sacrificing babies.:rolleyes:
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I have the same family tree as 444. I liked Elmer Keith's grips, I like guys watching out for each other, I don't like Pike's reference in his modern tome of Masonry identifing Lucifer as the "light Bearer" when you ask for more light on each initiation to a higher degree.:cool:
The "sinister" stuff is not only limited to the highest levels but is also kept secret from all those Masons below, who are seen as basically guileless worker bees and a field to be winnowed down to the very very few who will become privileged to the higher knowledge and agenda. That's one take. Who knows? One would think there's been some kind of undercover journalistic expedition into this, but maybe not. Trilateral-type reputation, but maybe just a bunch of good guys nominally overseen by a bunch of delusional nuts. Sounds like most workplaces and clubs. Hell, sounds like government.
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I'd hoped that this could be a fairly neutral discussion, but obviously there are those with strong opinions on Masonry whose feathers are being ruffled. In the interests of religious and social harmony on this board, I'm afraid I'm going to have to close this thread. Please, friends, let's remember that each of us has the right to believe in whatever he/she wants to, and belong to any group(s) he/she wants to. If others find those beliefs and/or groups objectionable, that's fine - they don't have to espouse/join them! Mutual respect and tolerance are the order of the day, in society in general, and here, where we really do want to take The High Road in our dealings with one another.

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