Tennessee Carry Story

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Dec 24, 2008
Music City USA
See the link below. It's from WWW.Tennessean.com

Notice the un-related anti mentions in the piece. My note to the writer below. Send him a note - but be professional...




What was the tie in between lawful carry permit holders actually being able to carry and the sick law breakers in Alabama and New York. Just didn't see the relevance in the story.

Also what did the Nashville bar/domestic/redneck/DJ/cheating/divorce part of your story have to do with carry permits in restaurants?

If someone would have been lawfully carrying at Luby's - Virgina Tech - or at the center in New York - maybe not as many people would have perished. Do you notice that these cowards never go to places to commit their crimes, where there are guns.

You guys are amazing. And you wonder why the newspaper is dying.
Looks like a pretty typical newspaper piece. The author probably leans politically against the TN House passed measure since his first quote was a restaurant owner being against the legislation. I see no reason to write the reporter.

Whether or not a carry permit for the DJ victim in the south Nashville club would have made a difference, I don't know. Nobody knows.

I hope this passes in the Senate and the gov signs it.
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