Texas Open Carry law

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As far as i know, carrying a weapon in Texas is generally misdemeanor charge, not a felony charge. I believe it is a Class A Misdemeanor. You will not lose your right to own a gun, but you may pay a decent fine and lose your pistol.
And your CHL if you have one...

Or your chance to get a CHL for the next 5 years if you don't.
"Furthermore, I seriously doubt that that was really the reason that OC of pistols was banned in Texas anyway, since, as I understand it, it's still technically legal in Texas to OC a long gun just about anywhere at any time (although admittedly you would probably be harassed by the police if you tried it on foot in any big city.)"


Open carry is illegal here. Period. I've lived in one if the largest cities (Houston) for 10 years and police are serious about this. And our police are relatively laid back regarding guns. Don't even think about trying open carry in Austin.

If you CC, even with a license, and your carry piece is seen and reported, you can be arrested and charged. If you carry in your car, with or without a license, the weapon MUST be hidden. TX is very serious about this aspect. I know of a few people who were picked up on violations for just this reason. Some were CHL carriers.

In today's society, the public at large is lead to believe that if you have a gun, you are either a cop or a criminal. If Sally Soccermom sees a gun on your belt, she better see a badge too, or she's turning you in. Its not a question of right or wrong, it just how it is. So play the game accordingly.

If you want to get the laws overturned and allow for open carry, fine. I still won't do it. I don't care what happens in Arizona, or Virginia, or anywhere else. TX is the second-most populous state in the union, which means we have a bigger share of gun ignorami and just plain 'fraidy cats than the rest of you (except the Californians). I want to exercise my rights, and go on with my life without having to proselytize about the right of owning guns wherever I go.
Travis, what's your point? That we can carry open carry long arms? No one does that. In ten years, I've never seen it done. Open carry is about handguns. Which is illegal here. Period.

§ 46.02. UNLAWFUL CARRYING WEAPONS. (a) A person commits
an offense if he intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries on
or about his person a handgun, illegal knife, or club.
(b) Except as provided by Subsection (c), an offense under
this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
(c) An offense under this section is a felony of the third
degree if the offense is committed on any premises licensed or
issued a permit by this state for the sale of alcoholic beverages

We're not talking about long arms, we're talking about handguns.
Re-read it.
Texas has had laws against open carry on the books since the 1800's. Its not an anti-gun thing, it's just the way it is. It was originally started to stop cowboys from coming into town, getting drunk, and shooting the place up.

...actually, it was more to keep freed slaves from shooting up the Klan...
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