Thank God Almighty, It's Howard Dean!

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Dean may have gotten an A by the NRA. However does anyone here really believe that he(or his party) would stand up for our rights concerning guns. I think hes useing that to try to get some votes back to the Dems.
As far as I'm concerned, I don't trust ANY politician's stand on RTKBA - Bush or otherwise. Though I do believe that GW stands on principles more than any pol I've seen in a while, a pol can always be depended upon to sway with the wind when it comes to popular opinion. Clinton went with the AW ban because his pollsters thought it was a winning issue - they were wrong and the issue sunk many house and senate members of his party who were too intimidated to openly oppose him on it.

No, gun control issues are a matter of voter reactions. As long as the pro 2A crowds stick together in voting masses, more pols will at least take a position that either agrees with that mass or not tick them off. Its all a matter of political power, not which pol believes what.
"Use of sacrilegious expletives in thread titles is not good editorial judgment in my opinion. A newspaper wouldn't get away with it. There were other options. I think it is a mistake to believe that ones audience is equally naughty and coarse. It's not cute. It's disrespectful and distracts from the point to be made. Does it well represent THR? How about a little discretion, at least in titles that everyone scans?"

I always wondered who the people were that got upset over things like this. :uhoh: It is like Janet Jackson's nipple all over again. :D I think I am going to sue because I saw a woman's nipple. :evil:
I haven't been a fan of the repellican party ever since the 'rollers took it over after Carter...

So you like a republican party with no controle of the House, no controle of the Senate, one whos last elected president believed in wage and price controles and left office in disgrace. :scrutiny:

I am not convinced the Dems have been vanquished. Dean may be able to collect money and stay out of the spotlight. They will rush to the middle to attract fence walkers and the uninformed.

After 6-8 years of Pres. Bush some people will vote for change just for the sake of change, esp. if the Dems put up some people that are reasonably close to the middle.
I am suggesting giving more consideration to thread titles for public consumption.
I give everything I post consideration, RG. That's one of the reasons I take the time to type my name at the end of everything I put up rather then having it in my sig. It gives me a second to pause and ask myself "do I really want to be associated with this garbage I'm about to put up here?" :)

So, yes, I did consider if anyone would be offended before writing the thread title and went ahead after I decided that I liked the way it read, thought it was funny, and couldn't see anyone getting their panties in a bunch over it.

Guess I was mistaken, c'est la vie. I still like it and I still think it's funny. You don't. That's fine and no offense intended, sincerely. But everything gives offense to someone, I draw the line where I draw it. Everyone draws their own line.

- Gabe
"Free At Last, Free At Last. Thank..." Oops, nevermind. I think you color inside the lines just fine Gabe. Howard, I love it. :eek:
Praise to Allah, It's Howard Dean!
Pot, I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Kettle, a lesser deity that one should feel free to trash. :evil: Equally naughty and coarse is a balance I strive towards. What's the secret?
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