Thank you THR..

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Mar 13, 2006
Never saw a thread that thanked THR for all the great things they've done, thought, and offered. I just wanted to say thank you.

Because of THR..

I've become more responsible with firearms

Learned the laws, rules, regulations of each state

Learned where NOT to live (.. cough cough california cough cough)

Have met some awesome people through purchasing and selling firearms through their firearms listings (ps: my g27 just sold and the guy loves it! my glock19c and jennings.25 are still for sale and i'm still looking for a 642 or 360pd and a good deal on a used colt officers)

Educated on what loads to carry, what loads suck, what pistols are good.. of course, it's all opinion based but when the THR majority sides with a certain model and I rent it and try it out, they're usually VERY accurate.
And when the majority says the S&W sigma sucks, they really do mean it.. so there's a certain level of credibility that THR has established (IMO)

Anyway, Thanks. I may be new, but I've been reading the threads for years.
Starplayer, thanks for your thoughts. A lot of us share those with you.

THR has changed my life in more ways than one. I've learned more about firearms and related issues here than at any other time in my life. (And I've been here less than a year.)

I've made new friends, even though I've not met any of them.

My philosophy and way of life have changed significantly, for the better, me thinks. I'm much more open about weapons among my friends and clients than ever before.

Thanks, THR.

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