"The Bravest Battle" 28 Days of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

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Dec 30, 2002
Just finished an interesting book on the 1943 uprising in the Jewish Ghetto of Warsaw against the Nazi forces.

It is an interesting example of how a relatively small group of dedicated, amateur fighters that is not particulary well armed can give hell to a very heavily armed, brutal and numerous enemy.

There were about 1,500 mostly Jewish fighters comprised of men, women and children as young as 13 fighting the security and armed forces of Nazi Germany. The "official" battle lasted 28 days.

The Ghetto fighters main firearm was handguns, which they considered unequal to the task. However, at close quarters they were quite effective. There was a small number of rifles of various kind that were apparently used to good effect. The fighters also had two crew served machine guns but they were knocked out fairly early in the battle.

The fighters apparently had a good supply of hand grenades which they used to good effect. They also had Molotov cocktails and various explosives.

In probably the biggest coup for the Ghetto fighters was the killing and wounding of about 80 Nazi troops by a large, command detonated mine.

Of course, the Germans employed all manner of small arms, machine guns, mortars, flame throwers, artillery, tanks, armored fighting vehicles, poison gas and even air strikes, along with spies and informers.

Even with all this combat power the German commander (SS Major General Jurgen Stroop) realized that continued assaults on the Ghetto was too costly. He therefore rightly determined his best weapon was fire. So then every effort was made to burn down every building in the Ghetto and smoke out the defenders. It worked.

The book was originally published in 1976 and the author had an opportunity to interview many of the surviving participants in the battle including three Germans and Gen. Stroop's brother. These people along with many others. I am assuming the book is an honest narrative.

The Germans reported after the battle that 56,065 Jews had been killed or captured and this pretty much eliminated what population was left in the Ghetto prior to the battle. Undoubtedly more died in the burning Ghetto and are unaccounted for.

The book does not give the German loses. One reason may be that Stroop lied early on to his superiors concerning the apparently serious combat loses his forces where taking. Stroop low-balled the numbers.
Sean - Generally, they did not. The exceptions were pretty impressive, though.

moa - While doing some research, I ran across a bunch of German communiques from Warsaw describing the sporadic fighting in the ghetto after the major battles has ended. The latest was from mid-June of 1944 - 15 months after the initial revolt! :what:
Juden haben waffen!

That line from the book always sticks in my mind. If you enjoyed that book, you may also enjoy his book Genesis that discusses the creation of the state of Israel.
Lets never forget or give up our guns

we should do everything we can to get back our 2nd
amendment rights !
never compromise :fire:
Does the book also discuss how much the outside world knew about what was going on?

Also, how about a Title and Author, maybe even an ISBN? (Is "The Bravest Battle" the book title?)


No, title is Genesis, 1948. Sorry if I left the #s out. Author is Dan Kurzman.
In Exodus, by Leon Uris, there is a segment on the uprising. He got so many questions about it that he did an entire novel on the subject called Mila 18. I always thought it was interesting that the Ghetto held out about the same length of time as Poland did against the initial attack in September, 1939.
Being Jewish and being (originally) from the Northeast, I almost always get criticized by relatives and Jewish friends when the topic of guns becomes the issue of the moment (but less than a few years ago - I think that these fools are waking up). I get most of them to shut up when I ask them "how many people went into cattle cars and gas chambers carrying guns?" The few who respond say, "Well, that could never happen here!", to which I respond in one of 2 ways: 1) "That's what the German Jews said." or 2) "Oh, so the laws of human nature get repealed inside the borders of the United States?"

The simple fact is that if only 1 in 10 of those Jews who were murdered by the Nazis had taken one of Satan's servants with him/her, then the whole process would have stopped a lot sooner than the end of the war - and the war itself would have ended a lot sooner with so many Germans taking a premature, though well-deserved, dirt nap. The same could be said of the Nazis' 5 million non-Jewish victims. Of course, Hitler knew this and disarmed his intended victims well before the war and the mass atrocities started.

As a human being, as an American and as a Jew, I will NEVER give up my guns. History proves that any government that wants a disarmed citizenry is either up to no good itself, or is naively paving the way for people of bad will to accomplish their goals once in power. As the Israelis say: Never Again - but if again, not for free.

I have the privilege of knowing a survivor of the Warsaw Ghetto. He was a 14-year-old messenger for the Jewish forces, and took his fair share of the fighting as well. His descriptions of ambushing German patrols armed with only a Molotov cocktail, of setting a German on fire, waiting until the patrol scattered, then running out from cover, grabbing the German's rifle and ammunition (sometimes still burning from the Molotov cocktail) and running back to cover, are hair-raising in the extreme. He said that only 50% or so of those who tried this, survived the return fire of the rest of the German patrol - but it was the only way they could get more weapons.

He was injured during a bombing raid on the Ghetto by the Luftwaffe, and was captured unconscious in the ruins of a house. He was sent to Auschwitz, and released from that camp by the Russians in 1945. He eventually made it to Israel, and thence to Canada, where he studied medicine and built a successful career. However, he still has the Auschwitz number tattooed on his left arm... Scary!
I have relatives with those damned numbers. I won't forget, nor will my son. Never again rings true in my home.
Dev_null, the title of the book is "The Bravest Battle" written by Dan Kurzman. I got a copy from Borders & Books. I see that Amazon.com has it too.

What did the outside world know about the battle?

The Polish goverment in exile in London knew about it and I assume the Allied governments. One Jewish representative to the government in exile commited suicide in protest to the lack of concern for the Ghetto battle and Polish Jews in general.

However both in Warsaw and elsewhere the Jewish fighters got little or no assistance from the Polish resistance leadership. The Soviet Union did stage one large air raid on Warsaw to aid the fighters.

One of the biggest problems the Ghetto fighters had is they ran out of ammunition and could no longer sustain the fight. At that point, the only thing left was to try and survive and escape the Ghetto if possible and fight as partisans.
UNTITLED - Peter Himmelman
recorded on "Flown This Acid World," Epic Records 52588, June 1992

This is a story 'bout a taxi ride I can't forget,
It was Autumn in Minnesota, it was rainy, cold, and wet,
So I hopped into the first cab that I saw,
The heater was on but the chill just wouldn't thaw.

The driver of the cab he had a pock-marked face,
He didn't seem too unfriendly, he was just starin' off into space,
And he told me that he used to drive a truck,
And that right now he was down on his luck.

We talked a bit about travellin', told him that I'd been to the USSR,
He looked at me in the rear-view mirror and said, "Ain't that where the Jews and Commies are?"
And I knew I was in for a hell of a ride,
My face was calm but I was burnin' up inside.

He told me he had a dream to go to a place free from ******* and Jews,
"Austria?," I asked out loud as I stared down at my shoes,
Then he said, "That's exactly right,"
He said, "Hey man, ain't you proud to be white?"

I played along with him a bit, then I said, "What do you mean? I'm not quite sure."
That's when he told me how much he admired the Fuhrer.
We drove on through the Minnetonka pines,
And the rain started freezin' on the highway signs.

Then I said, "Don't you think it was wrong, I mean, gassin' all them Jews?"
Then he told me Hitler's only fault was that he had to go and lose
A war that should have set the white man free;
To inherit the entire earth was his destiny.

Then he started fishin' for a cassette tape that he'd gotten in a special class,
And on it some teacher was talkin' about destroyin' the Jews at last,
And about how they were all to blame,
For every problem that you could ever name.

I stared out my window, started thinkin' about my life,
Thinkin' about my children, thinkin' about my wife,
And I wondered how much more could I endure,
Of a hatred so naked and so pure.

When we got to my brother's house, I even tipped him a dollar or two
And I was wonderin' if he'd known all along that his passenger was a Jew.
I just stared at my breath in the freezin' night,
That's when my brother came to the door and put on the light.

Don't tell the children, defile your dreams,
Our heads are still pounding from the sound of their screams,
And the blood is still flowing down European streams,
It is you who have no right to call yourself a human being,
Here I am, in a taxi cab with a cut-rate Aryan

I spent the next morning with a man who had death camp numbers on his arm,
And I swore to myself I would do anything to protect him from further harm,
And he told me wherever you may go,
you must refute them if they say it wasn't so.
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