The Citizen Soldier - Nat. Guard promo video

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Jun 20, 2007
Came across this video on another forum (not gun related)

It is a sponsored music video from the National Guard.

The video shows some 'footage' of revolutionary war 'citizen soldiers' fighting. These were not national guardsmen, but true citizen soldiers - regular guys with muskets. The video is trying to link this era with the current Organized National Guard; not the same thing. This bothers me a bit.

I feel like the linking of the original citizen soldier and the current National Guard undermines the meaning of the 2A and serves to further brainwash the masses that the 2A is not an individual right.

I would like to interpret the video/lyrics as referring to who we know as the citizen soldier: You and I.

I think that on a organizational history level, the Gaurd itself (in name) isn't the early American citizen soldier militia, BUT they do carry out the mission of the same mission of the early American citizen-soldier. We like to forget that the early American (and colonial American) citizen soldiers drilled regularly, and that their training didn't simply consist of going to the range if and when they felt like it. As I recall, there was serious sanctions for not reporting for drill then, just as there are now. Some Gaurd units trace direct lineage to some early militia units. I don't think the comparrison is wrong or unfair at all.

That being said, the existance of the National Guard does not undermine our Second Ammendment rights, since legally there is 2 classes of militia- the organized, and the unorganized. Furthermore, it is the interpretation of the former AG (Ashcroft and possibly Gonzalerz too) that the Second is an individual right. Then there is Parker/Heller, which has went very well for us thus far, and there is little reason to believe that line of legal thought won't carry the Supreme Court- DC has already accepted that one part of their law was in fact in violation- as I recall.

Anyways, this thread will probably be locked soon enough. IBTL
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