The Horror! A field full of rusted guns

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *sob* Why? Give me them instead of throwing them away! WHY, D**N YOU, WHY?
Come on guys...a few gallons of CLP, a few weeks worth of elbow grease, some cold blue and alumna-black, who knows what you might come up with? :D

Instead of handwringing, we need to organize a rescue effort :cool:

If I can keep what I can carry (away in a Semi), I'll volunteer to help clean up the whole mess. Promise.
Jeff's right. Salvage operation!

My friend bought a rusted Marlin mod 60, though not quite as bad as those pictured. It had been through a house fire and got drenched with water. The insurance co paid off so the guy didnt dig out the guns and clean them up. He sold it to my friend for 25 bucks. When he showed up with it, I had reservations about 'wasting' good clp on it, but he was a friend so we gave it a bottle of clp and some ss wool and about three hours work in & out.

Shot it last weekend, and the darn thing didn't jam once and was actually shooting better than my 10/22. what the heck???

Probably lots of them guns could be coaxed back to servicable condition. Depressing to look at though.
We need to find precisely where that is. Take away every last gun. Restore them all. I call dibs on a minigun.
Looks like England has all the guns they need for national defense. All types, calibers, models...from .22s up through miniguns and recoilless-rifles. All stored in a central location as they see fit for national defense.

Someone archive these photos and mail them accordingly when England again, as in WWII, begs the USA to send guns for the defense of Great (?) Britan against invaders. "You had 'em, you squandered 'em, we're keepin' ours this time 'round."
The person that posted the link where I found it had some third-hand statement that it was a collection / dump point somewhere in Yugoslavia.
Didn't make sense to me, didn't think there'd be so many miniguns in such a place...

That pile of Thompsons made me tear up.
After 30 years of working in a hospital, including 8 years as a medical photographer based out of a morgue, I thought no picture could make me sick.

I was wrong.

That is SICK ! .

I'll pitch in if we can get a rescue unit going. All those Thompsons!! :cuss: :banghead: :mad:

As a police officer I've seen some pretty horrible things - either first-hand or photos and videotapes, but that ...... I'm going to have to talk to the department shrink Monday. AAAGGHHHH:cuss: :cuss: :cuss:

*JimJD passes out from the horror of that Arms Dump*

*Slowly... JimJD regains consciousness...picks himself up from the floor... sits back in chair*

Oh... the horror...the horror...

You know, you shoud really put a disclaimer on that post of your's!
Something like:
*WARNING! Viewing this site may cause sudden loss of consciousness and bladder control!*

Oh man.... My pants!


Seriously though, That is a shame.
What a waste.
When I was a kid, and I didn't finish my lunch, the teacher would sometime mention that there where kids starving in Bangladesh.

In the similiar spirit, while these guns were rusting in a field in who knows where, a couple of million unarmed people were killed by their governments.

A horrifying though: might these have been their guns?

Either way, it's a sin.
Dang that is sad. I also will assist in this rescue Effort. I can have storage in less then 10 min 20' long by 7' wide and 6' high.
very sad...a true shame. You'd think they would have melted them down to at least be recycled....dang...

(wow...never thought I say melt them down in reference to guns and actually mean it!)
Even worn out can you image the money those would have brought in public sale? Even converted to non-firing displays they would have been worth a sizable fortune! The waste! The horror!
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