The kindness of the LGS

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Dec 29, 2002
I was at my favorite LGS last weekend (one of three I frequent) looking over some CZ .22LR rifle models. They had a used Model 452 Trainer (with some cheap scope) that caught my eye, and I was comparing it to a NEW CZ semiauto.

One of the kind-hearted regular salesmen that I often deal with then brought over another used CZ 452 Trainer that he had behind the counter. It was missing its rear sight, but it was in just as good a shape as the other 452, and it had an even better trigger.

"$235 out the door for you," he says.

But... it gets better.

The store is replacing the rear sight ($70) for free. The 452 I am buying already comes with two 10-round magazines, AND the salesman gave me three 10-round CZ .22LR magazines ($33 each at Midway) for free.

So... $235, with $170 in free 'upgrades".... I'd say I had a pretty good day!

Picking up the rifle in a week or so when the sight comes in...

P.S. -- This is the same shop where three weeks ago I bought a barely used S&W 3919 Ladysmith for under $350.
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That's a great story. Every once in a while I get a great deal around here, I'll have to re-calibrate my expectoration level now.

Wow, sounds like every gun enthusiasts dream gun shop! They definitely know how to take care of their customers and to keep them coming back.
You are getting $202 in upgrades. The 452 comes with 1 mag, so you are getting 4 mags plus a rear sight. Can you get them to throw in a brick of match ammo?
Kinda makes me wonder how much they gave the poor sap that traded the Trainer in.:confused:
I've been going there for at least 17 years -- I remember buying my nickel plated Colt SAA there in 1999 for under $1200 I believe. They are very honest and friendly, I often shoot on Sunday nights with one of their salesmen who is an NRA instructor, etc. They let me look at anything I want and I can usually hold stuff for 48 hours with no money down while I research it. And I often pay in cash.
I've been using the same LGS for42 yrs .and spend an average of $7000.00 per yr .if he has any trade ins when I go by , he let's me have them for his allowed trade + paperwork.
He calls me when something I'm looking for comes in, & occasionally say to me I need to sell one more gun today , I will make you a deal you can't turn down , & he is always right. The only way I will go anywhere else is if he absolutely cannot get it for me.
I would name this store except I don't think it is allowed

You sir have something rare and precious indeed: a LGS that is friendly, knowledgeable, and has reasonable prices. Needless to tell you, frequent them, support them, and promote them.

Most of the LGSs around me are somewhere between bad to very bad. But there is one near me that is extremely friendly, extremely knowledgable, and extremely expensive, and I am not exaggerating the adjective "extremely" on any of the terms. You walk in the place and it's clean, well stocked, and you just like being there - even if just looking. They have the best instructors, the best classes, and the nicest indoor range, easily within a 50-mile radius. The other good news there is they are doing very well as a business and have been for years.

I think one key thing that will attract me to a LGS is how much time they are willing to spend with me. Another thing is if they are encouraging without being pushy. I am convinced that good products sell themselves; they just have to be appropriately introduced to a customer.

Another attribute of a good sales staff is how well they gauge their conversation to the customer. I like it when they speak to a customer in terms the customer easily understands: not going into terms and descriptions that are above their head, and not talking down to them.

So LGSs, if you're reading this, these things will get me into your shop, likely buying from you, and most certainly coming back.
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