The Second Amendment- Not just for firearms...

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Feb 20, 2003
New England
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Those who are determined to remove any ability we may have to defend and protect ourselves, will not be content to stop with the outlawing and confiscation of firearms. No, they will continue through all projectile weapons, and then move on to knives and swords... Already, blade/edged weapons are accumulating laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances at an astonishing rate. Why? Government does not exist for our benefit. We exist to benefit and prolong government. Government is not responsible for our protection- we are. The liberal loonies and dishonest thugs of the ACLU and the other anti-gun groups cannot stand the idea that people want to be free... Far better for us, that we bow the knee, and accept becoming mindless thralls- the better for the effete elite of the liberal left, to rule the sheeple... I am asking all who read this, to see what laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances that are active in your states and communities. I don't believe that you'll be shocked... If anything, you'll become a bit more concerned, as our freedoms and rights are siphoned away by those who hate America. Please be aware- ALL of our rights are under attack. It's said, "use it, or lose it." Use your voices, make your beliefs known to those who shape the destiny of America. Robert Heinlein said, "Politics is only slightly less important than your own heartbeat." Get active, and challenge every attempt to deprive you of your right to defend yourself. Government can't and won't. The liberal left doesn't care- unless you lick their boots. Yeah, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao would be proud of them, as they lead the sheeple to their doom... Whether it's guns, sticks, knives, or bare hands, you do have the right to defend yourself. Don't give it away...

Regards and Respects,
Carter, oldpaladin, out...
What's also interesting (and dovetails into this) are the increasing number of advanced firearms that are restricted "for Government/Law Enforcement use only." I noticed a neat rifle in an issue of American Rifleman that had that onerous phrase clearly written on the side of the receiver.

More and more, we're letting the debate be about "guns" when it should in fact be about the concept behind the phrase "bear arms." The specific arm...whether it's a musket, AR-15 with a bayonet, fully automatic M-14, or a phaser, is irrelevant to the concept behind the right...that we have the right of self defense against all comers, be they a thug on the street or something more institutionalized.

Considering that spontoons, swords, hatchets, and knives were used along with muskets during the time the 2nd was developed and finalized the fact that non-firearms weapons restrictions are ignored has always annoyed me.
Well Said, One and All...

George Santayana said, "Those that do not learn from history, are condemned to repeat it." That was in 1919, after "The Great War." Hmmmmm. If this is how politicians handle the affairs of us mere mortals, we need to be ever on our guard. Perhaps they're corrupt, inept, incompetant, incapable, or whatever... Regardless, their actions directly affect all and sundry... Sometimes the results of their "labors" are benign or constitute a "null set." In other words, they're firing blanks... However, all too frequently, "the road to Hell is paved with "good" intentions..." It is most unfortuante that they, the politicians, or powers that be (PTB), do not suffer along with us, the ones they are supposedly "helping." Frankly, our only defense is to be constantly informed, and be the "squeaky wheel." Raise a ruckus, and accept nothing that is contrary to your own self preservation and defense... People in power are not usually there for your benefit after the glow of victory fades... Maintaining power, positon, and perks are all that many are interested in... Beware, too, of those that are too altruistic... If somebody doesn't have at least one iron in the fire, he's either a fool, or more diabolical than the rest... I'll more likely trust someone with a known history and agenda, than someone who's squeaky-clean, or an out-and-out innocent... Want to know the definition of an honest politician? (Yeah, OXYMORON, I know...) Robert Heinlein wrote this in "Stranger In A Strange Land:" "An honest politician, is one that stays bought." Think about it. If you grease his/her palm, they'll stay with you to the end- regardless of how much the bribes from others... As you can see, darned few, if any of those, left... Sound jaded, don't I? I am. If you've got a dog in the fight, you've got the right to be heard... Same thing as, no vote, don't complain... We've got to make the politicians LISTEN, or they'll forget (and probably have) who elected them... National boundaries not withstanding, governments have one thing in common- survival. I guess what I'm TRYING to say, is be alert, trust yourself, and go with your gut. Write letters, call friends, send emails, and question what doesn't feel right... If bad things happen, we've only ourselves to blame... Be well, my friends, and keep your powder dry, your knives sharp, and your BOB's up to date...

Regards and Respects,
Carter, oldpaladin, out...

Oregon's switchblade acceptance is based on the OR courts reafferming that possession of arms is not limited to firearms.
self defense is already outlawed. if your kid gets in a fight in school they suspend both kids. doesnt matter who started it. the staff would rather have the victim come get a teacher to stop the fight :barf:
As long as we are still legally permitted to own teeth and fingernails, our right to self defense has not been infringed. :eek:

Give the left-wing, liberal, panty-waiseted, politically correct, anti-American types the chance, and you'll soon be toothless, and without fingernails!

Tyme, I know this doesn't include you. Being on this forum, it couldn't. So, what follows, is for those who might want to think about how things ARE...


The fight against the Second Amendment is not just about weapons, it's about self determination. Think about it. If we cannot defend ourselves (resist oppression), we have no freedom, no hope, and no future... Robert Heinlein said, "You can kill a free man, you can't enslave him." To remain free, we must be willing to resist to the last breath... Eventually, those that love freedom, will wake-up... However, will it be too late? Is it too late now? According to law, we have the right to redress grievances. Organizations like the GOA, NRA, and others are trying to look-out for us... However, that is probably not going to be enough... At the risk of repeating myself, we must use the media, hold the feet of our elected representatives to the fire, and talk to anyone that will listen... It's not just for us, our generation, but for our children, grandchildren, and those yet to come... We must never rely upon those in power to "take care of us." Look what happened to Germany, when Hitler came to power... Would Hillary Clinton, or others of her ilk, be less thorough in defiling the Constitution, or enslaving us for "our own good?" Don't laugh- too many of our fellow citizens would happily vote Zipper Bill back into the White House, if they could! Never underestimate mankinds capacity for stupidity! Liberalism is a disease- one that is contra-survival... "It takes a village" full of idiots and lazy fools to throw away that which was paid for in blood, sweat, and tears... Sacrifice is something that liberals prefer others to do- not themselves... They'll sacrifice all of your freedoms, liberties, rights, and privileges- for your own good... Yeah, right... Well, I'm not sanguine about our future- too many don't care... As individuals, our voices are small, like separate rain drops. Working toward a specific goal, our voices make the fabric of the land shake like a waterfall... The "enemy" is no less deadly and dangerous, than the fifth columnists that Hitler and Joe Stalin and his successors sent our way... Add to this, the fact that we haven't yet awakened to the fact that Western Civilization is now in a Holy War, probably to the death, and you have a receipe for disaster... Such a war, the War on Terror, is without borders... THINK ABOUT IT, PEOPLE! We're in terminal danger, and I'm NOT Chicken Little... If you think I am, consider getting a plot next to the Dodo, or the Great Auk... You'll be in good company...


I've vented my frustration enough for one night... Howling against the dark, one more time... Chasing away the demons of "what might well be- unless..." As I said at the beginning, I don't expect anyone on this great forum to be in the "enemy's camp." The rant was what might be used when talking to others... Take what you will, in YOUR efforts to educate and inspire others... I fear that time is growing short, and that the Dark Night of this civilization is drawing nigh...

Be well, happy, safe, and at peace, for as long as you can...
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