The smell of cosmoline

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The_Shootist: Hey Elza - where did you get them? Were they unissued or used and do you know the country of origin?
Sportsman’s Guide of all places. My experience with them indicates prices that are usually a bit high.

Manufacturers are mixed and pot luck and I wouldn’t know one from another. Here is the breakdown of what I received:

2 were new. (If they aren’t they will do until new comes along!) No sign of having been inserted into a weapon. Even the hooks and latches didn’t have a scratch on them.

2 were near new. Marks on the hooks and latches but the followers didn’t have a single scratch on them.

7 were average milsurp that would grade out from good to very good.

1 was a POS! Spots of scale rust (nothing that would interfere with function but took a wire brush to clean up) and the lower front had been beaten against a sharp edge. It was caved in enough that the follower hung. I managed to get it back into shape to the point that it functions but I wouldn’t bet my life on it.
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