The Southern Poverty Law Center doesn't like my books--boo hoo

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Southern Poverty Law Center
Talk about a misnomer!:fire: The only part of their name that is remotely accurate is the first word. Their multimillion dollar offices stand out among the empty buildings and State offices in Montgomery, Al. much as a tuxedo would at a square dance. It has been described as opulent, tacky, and overstated, just to name the nicer ones. It was built on the back of the civil rights movement, but exists in close proximity with the most dire poverty stricken urban areas in the deep South. The SPLC has on its list of hate groups organizations such as The League of the South, which are heritage based. To be disapproved of by the SPLC is a compliment!
They survive by racial whoremongering, just as the Revs. Jackson and Sharpton do.:cuss:
Now I'm going to have to buy the book. Where can I get a copy Travis? Nice sig line BigG!
From the review....

Preoccupied by ethnic violence in major cities and economic turmoil, the federal government has let southwestern states sink into bedlam. Armed gangs besiege Arizona and Phoenix has lost electrical power. Los Angeles is under martial law as neighborhoods burn.

And New Mexico, where Bardiwell heads to retrieve her boy, has become a haven for communist revolutionaries. Now it's "Nuevo Mexico." The state has passed Spanish-only laws and razed businesses with English signs. Ranches once owned by Anglos are seized and given to former undocumented immigrants. The brutal, M-16-toting Milicia de Nuevo Mexico aims to get rid of all Anglos.

I havent read your book, but it seems Aztlan alarmists always seem to frame this "invasion" as Whites vs Mexicans. Where who Asians, Blacks and people who arent White or Mexican fit in? Are they on the Mexican side or what?
Well, SS, 90% of all illegals are hispanic and 75% of those are Mexican. 75% of America is caucasion. Any more questions?

They will never issue a review on your book Larry unless it finally gets published.
I would badger you for a copy if I was not catching up on Micheal Yon.

Have to ask them, but seein's how the motto of Aztlan as espoused by La Raza (The Race) is "For those of The Race, everything. For those not of The Race, nothing.", the choice seems to be made for those not of The Race.
Any more?

I can't imagine why anybody wouldn't like your books, Travis.
I've read them all and I love them.

I guess my fave is 'The Girl In The Plain Brown Wrapper'.


:D:evil::D Sorry, I just couldn't resist.
I saw the SPLC/ Morris Dees in a documentary about Militias, I know very little about SPLC, are they liberal?
SPLC is about one thing. Money. They are famous because of their success against some very bad people. They use that to gain credibility. Then they need new boogeymen so they go after Bracken, YAF, and others to scare people into sending them money.

Money talks.
SPLC is about one thing. Money. They are famous because of their success against some very bad people. They use that to gain credibility. Then they need new boogeymen so they go after Bracken, YAF, and others to scare people into sending them money.

Money talks.

One could say the same thing about the NRA. IMO both the NRA and SPLC ultimately are on the side of good though..
SPLC has a website. Among other things they post "alerts" about terrorist meetings. Now, some are legitimate; KKK, neo-Nazis, etc. And, some outfits like the Identity and other racist outfits.

Trouble is, there's no discriminating among groups. "Militias" are all, by definition, bad because they shoot guns.

In part, Dees judges evil by resistance to gun control laws. And, anybody who's not totally happy with an ever-stronger central government's police powers is probably gonna be called a terrorist. Or a militia member or something.

What the SPLC forgot to mention is that those po' stahvin' 3rd worlders are now over-running Paris, and that this author's fears have come to fruition.

Pitty, he may have made apoint had he mentioned that.

good work, Bracken... gotta get ahold of your 2nd book soon.
I love when people start screaming "RACIST" right and left. Nothing in Domestic Enemies strikes me as racist. Bracken never says or implies that Hispanics are "inferior", etc.

What I'd like to see, and I'm trying to perpetuate in my own fictional writing, is to try and dissuade such labels by making one or more of the protagonists or positive supporting characters one of the left's "protected racists" (er races): "black", Native American, Oriental, Arabic, Mexican, etc. - but not so much as their central character, just another aspect of a well developed character's background and personality.

Speaking of which: isn't the protagonist for Reconquista a female of Arabic extraction? I guess that doesn't count for much. Too bad she doesn't have a Mexican boyfriend in this book, eh? (maybe she does - I haven't read it yet -and they just misrepresented it. who frekain' knows)
There ARE, to be fair, people who are both bad and disliked by the SPLC at the same time.

Some, anyway.
Caimlas, I haven't gotten through the whole thing yet, but if you go read the excerpts, I think there's some foreshadowing along those lines. Not just a guy of Mexican descent, but a guy who's part of reconquista.
crazed ss, when the SPLC was first started, the primary focus was on such as the Klan, and Dees did good investigative reporting.

In the years following the passage of the Civil Rights Act, he sorta ran out of things to do and got into the anti-militia thing, calling them terrorists. He's continued to play the race card at every opportunity; that's probably where Jesse Jackson got the idea.

To repeat, the problem is that he's all-inclusive. Anybody and everybody who's against gun control and ever-stronger central government is badnasty and evil.

Given the reality of how little power and influence are had by the bad-guy groups, he's basically become just shrill and useless media-prostitute.

Look: Bracken has his New Mexico situation exactly as the Aztlanistas have publicly stated they would have it. Exactly, from the standpoint of abuse of political power! (You don't have to believe me; go to the Aztlan website.) Yet look at what Dees had to say...

crazed ss

I couldn't disagree with you more sir, plenty of black folks are hurt by illegal immigration and are outraged by it.
If you organize to end illegal immigration you will be attacked by SPLC cult members.
My old myspace profile was hacked and removed by those cretin skells.
The NRA was founded by Union officers, the guys who killed slave owners and ended slavery, these smucks (SPLC cultist) go around saying the NRA is a racist kkk org???:barf::fire::cuss: the damm kkk was founded by the Dem Confederates
it is an unconscionable slander and obfuscation to suggest otherwise.
SPLC is a disgusting cult that is kicking modern blacks to the curb,after picking their pockets.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I'll probably keep sayin' it and sayin' it and sayin' it until the day I die.

"Mexican" is not a race. Never has been, never will be. Therefore, when one wishes to defend their countries borders against hordes of them, one cannot be rightly considered, deemed or chastized as "racist".

"Mexican" is a nationality. I'm proud to be a USA NATIONALIST!

Control the lexicon, it's more important now than ever.

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