The ULTIMATE scattergun?!!

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Nov 10, 2005
New Hampshire
Holy... :eek: :what:


Would this even WORK?



The ultimate firearm for home protection.

The House Gun is the first firearm designed just for home protection.

Westminster, Colorado (November 20, 2006) - A sawed off shotgun makes the best possible home defense weapon. The shorter the barrel the wider the projectile spread pattern. A wide spread pattern gives you a better chance of hitting a armed intruder and stopping him from shooting you.

The problem is; sawed off shotguns are illegal. A shotgun barrel has to be eighteen inches long to be legal.

We have found a way to get the wide spread pattern of a sawed off shotgun without breaking the law. We manufacture a proprietary cone shaped eighteen inch barrel with a three inch round or oval opening for shotguns. It looks something like the old blunderbuss that pirates used. See attached picture.

In addition to less chance of missing, the projectiles will not travel as far or penetrate walls like other firearms and possibly kill or injure family members, neighbors etc.

There is the deterrent factor. Imagine starring down a three inch barrel. It is also the loudest shotgun ever made. Our barrel acts like a megaphone.

Most shotguns that people keep in their house for home protection are designed for hunting. The House Gun is a mini-cannon designed just for home and family protection..

For further information contact; Michael Darling; [email protected]
Is someone actually producing this mostrosity? It might spread like they're describing, but more than likely you'd wind up with a bunch of bouncing BBs. No pressure beyond the first inch or so. Besides, who wants the "lodest shotgun ever made" to go off in their bedroom?

If you want a ridiculously large pattern, wouldn't it be more effective just to use a rifled barrel? Of course I've gt to seriously question the utility of having a pattern that large in the first place.
Interesting idea, but I guesstimate that it would be more effective if the barrel started out straight for the first 10 inches or so and then slowly tapered outward. You don't want too much spread.

And loudness is not a characteristic to be desired.

JesseL said:
If you want a ridiculously large pattern, wouldn't it be more effective just to use a rifled barrel?
Well, that would give you a large pattern, but it would probably be more of a doughnut-shaped pattern with little or no shot in the middle.
Sigh. Another missed marketing opportunity. The best way to market that ingenious device is as a power umbrella for thin people. Hold it upright during a rainstorm to collect the downpour and prevent it from drenching your clothing. As the cone filled, one squeeze of the trigger empties it to enable the collection of another gallon or so.

In England it might be sold as a "Bumbershoot." In the U.S. it could be the "Bumbleshoot."

Seeing that photo makes me wonder if I was right to mortgage my house so I could invest in Beanie Babies several years ago.
Not really sure how this would be an improvement over a cylinder bore at close range since i dont see how this encourages the shot to leave the cup of the wad any sooner at a range of say 5-20 feet, but it would be interesting to clean. Would one use a toilet brush??.
awfully silly looking. what kind of velocity and spread is this thang supposed to be capable of?
Fairly rediculous idea, from my point of view.

Anybody else notice a "4 Rules" violation?????

Do you mean the "Don't put your booger picker on the bang switch." rule or the "Stupid Accessories that give you neither skills, training, practice or experience you need" rule ????? :evil: :banghead: ;)
The problem is; sawed off shotguns are illegal. A shotgun barrel has to be eighteen inches long to be legal.

We have found a way to get the wide spread pattern of a sawed off shotgun without breaking the law
Untrue. Shotguns w/ bbl. length less than 18" w/ a stock are short barreled shotguns, totally legal as long as you have the $200 tax stamp. You could register your shotgun as a SBS for $200, and make it as short as you want, or waste $250 on this piece of crap.
Blunder buss muskets, (that extra wide muzzle in a short muzzle loader), were invented to facilitate loading under bumpy conditions, IIRC, not for shot dispersment. I would like to see what the patterns/penetration from this thing look like.
Untrue. Shotguns w/ bbl. length less than 18" w/ a stock are short barreled shotguns, totally legal as long as you have the $200 tax stamp. You could register your shotgun as a SBS for $200, and make it as short as you want, or waste $250 on this piece of crap.

Untrue twice! First for your point with the SBS legality (you're right, they're wrong), and second for the fact that shortened shotgun barrels do not increase pattern size anyway... Though they will decrease velocity. And it looks like this thing will, too. Crikey, does any pressure stay behind the wad after the first two inches of barrel?
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