There are ways around the Walmart 3 box limit!

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I have engaged in a lot of activities over my lifetime that involved harvesting or salvaging. I have always lived by the "take some, leave some" rule. In today's ammo environment I still practice that philosophy. I have taken less than my three box limit so others can have a shot at the available inventory. Friday morning I had my hand on the last three boxes of .40 and was deciding what to do when an Army Seargant walked up needing .40. The decision was instantaneous, I stepped aside and let him have first shot at it. Call it karma, pay-forward, whatever, but it's the right thing to do. Tomorrow is another day,
To go online and show us all what a great hoarder you are while the rest of us due without is really impressive...
There really isn't a shortage of ammo, just CHEAP ammo. If you really want to buy thousands of rounds of M855 for your Colt M4, gunbroker has it by the ton.

Of course, I think you would find after digging into a lot of those seller profiles that at least half of the sellers are private resellers.
I just think this whole thread is absolutely hilarious. 90% of posters here would be screaming to high heaven about what an atrocious violation of rights it would be if the government passed a law rationing ammo to 3 boxes per customer/per day. When Wal Mart does the rationing, the people who buy more than the ration anyway are practically branded as criminals by the same posters.
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If it's all about ammo it is hilarious. You can find much better deals still online.
I dont buy groceries online, I dont know many folks who do, for the most part we in this area go to one of two places and WalMart is one of them.
Now if WalMart rations ammo, will they ration food?
If they ration food will the WalMart employee's get first choice and a greater amount than you?
From what a lot of folks have posted it would appear so.
I don't have an issue with OP buying the .30-30 ammo he needs. I'd do the same thing for him if I ran into him at Wal Mart. I know dudes that shoot hundreds of pistol and rifle rounds every weekend...the shortage hasn't slowed them down.

If you look around you can still find everything you need.

If you are hurting so much for ammo that you whine about someone's ".30-30 ammo score" you didn't plan accordingly. Shame on you for expecting welfare from a corporation in the form of rationed ammo sales...
It has nothing to do with fairness. It has to do with decency to others and an ability to get outside of selfishness. Chivalry may well be dead.
Also to add there is a huge difference between rules of a private business in a free market place and a law passed down from government. I wouldn't take part in restricting some one in that fashion but will announce that I'm absolutely unimpressed by it. In a situation where you had choice to abide by a positive conduct,you chose a different path and that's disappointing. Would be less disappointing if you didn't get on here to boast about it.
the only reason there a 3 box limits is because of the ammo gluttons. I met a guy 76 years old that had 20000 rds. that guy will die with 19650 rds left in his stash. some guys will not be satisfied until they get every live round in their state
I just can't stop laughing at other people choosing to be bitter, because someone has the financial means and opportunity to make a purchase. Call it jealousy or immaturity, but I am one of the many that will not lose sleep over other people being unprepared or unwilling to put effort into buying what they want.

Call me selfish huh for posting about what I have? Guess what? You had the same opportunity as me in life. You chose to do other stuff with your time, money, and effort. Quit whining and fix your own problems . Don't blame me or others for your inabilities. There is no ammo shortage. There's a shortage of people that aren't afraid to get what they want.

midway usa has ammo
ammoseek has ammo
cmp has ammo
ctd has ammo (though i don't support them with my money)

Let's talk about fairness. This is a free country. You are complaining because someone bought what they could with the money they have. Is that fair?

pitiful... the amount of people that expect everything to be handed to them (including ammo) is pitiful.
Actually, I don't know how much you have. I know how little I have. But apparently, from those that are whining, they have the money for a purchase but are mad because other people are beating them to the punch.

As for stupid comments, how about taking this to a highroad level and quit acting like an immature child. btw get my name right next time.

once again, ocw mindset
Want to talk about this being thehighroad and chivalry, look at your comment on hoping the op's ammo's are duds. The inability of people to be civil is really no surprise.
wgaynor, if you give me some of your ammo, you will sleep better at night!

But apparently, from those that are whining, they have the money for a purchase but are mad because other people are beating them to the punch.
It again, isnt about beating me, it is more about cheating me to the punch, if it is what it appears to be.
Again, I ask you what if it becomes food as well as ammo?
Ive already been giving it away, but i guess im still selfish. Perhaps the people that are against us havinf more than others feel that we should all be paid the same too?

Ive already given ammo away. I guess some of you that are upset that i buy more ammo than you feel ww should all earrn the same wage? I make my own way in life. Just make certain things more of a priority than others. Ive gone without so i can save up a supply of food, water, and ammo.
If food supply ever turns out like this, i will still help people but i will still lecture them on preparedness. Buy it now. Your family maybthank you later.
I agree with agaynor, in this time of shortage buying up everything just because you can afford it is nothing but being selfish.

With that said I seriously doubt I'll need to buy much of anything during the years I have left simply because I purchased in quantity years ago during sales. Back when bricks of .22 rimfire were $5/6 bucks, powder was under $8/10 bucks a lb, and primers were in the $40 dollar range for a sleeve of 5,000. I did not buy to hoard, just bought because it was so cheap.

Same holds true for motor oil and antifreeze, doubt I'll need to do any restocking of that for years & years. Most all purchased on sale for $2.00 a quart or even "FREE" with the sales Menard's runs.

I suppose one could call it hoarding, but then is it hoarding because I'll never need to buy another reloading tool, or rifle, or handgun, or set of wrenches to work on my cars?

All in ones perspective I guess.

My latest hobby involves collecting wrist watches, anything from a Rolex to a Bulova Caravelle, I suppose thats hoarding as well.
A few months ago (actually, more like a year), I post about how I bought 1 box of .22lr a month and saved it. Most thought it was a great idea. I guess since others are without, I'm now greedy?

Here's a question. How much food is in your cabinets? More than one day? Why? Are you greedy? How much gas is in your car? More than one trips worth? Are you greedy?

It's all a matter of perspective. I am a prepper. I prepare for such times. I spend countless hours growing my own food, canning my own food, buying ammo when it's cheap and plentiful, storing water, buying medical supplies, and making as many things from scratch as possible.

Amy I greedy? no. I am responsible. Once again, do not hold me accountable for others irresponsibility or shortsightedness.

For those that wonder, I am not rich. I work for a non-profit organization. I have two children, 4 dogs, and a very tiny house. I am frugal, shop at goodwill for clothes, and do not buy things on credit.

I believe in taking what God has given me, and making the best investment with it. I believe there was a parable about such things...
Years ago I was on a vacation with my two young daughters. Doing the Disney thing. Flight got delayed, so the airline brought out a box of the airline snacks they used to give out.

There were about 5-6 people that absolutely rushed up, physically pushed everyone (including my 7 & 5 year old daughters) out of the way, then started jamming their pockets full of the snack packets. Total friggin pigs that had zero regard for anyone but themselves. They were members of the "if it's free, it's for me" crowd. By god, I'm gonna get mine even if I have to destroy somebody else to do it.

There should be such a thing as common decency, but evidently it's not common. I would liked to believe most of the guys here had higher values, but obviously values are not part of their belief system.
I have absolutely nothing against people putting away more ammo than they need right now. Its a free country and people can purchase as much as they want, its prudent sometimes.

What the OP did is something I disagree with. It is Walmarts right to make a rule and he deliberately snuck around it. The fact that the sales lady was ok with it is irrelevant. She didn't make the rule and probably isn't allowed to deviate.
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