There is no ammo shortage!

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There is a shortage here. One store only let us buy 10 boxes (per day limit) of wolf 7.62x39 ammo even though they had some in the back. Next day we went back and they were all out with no more coming.

Went to another shop and asked about bullets and he stopped us mid-sentence to say he was all out of this and that and it would be a while till he got more.

I know of one person who already has 4000 of one kind of bullets and wants more of the same. I understand stockpiling needed goods but wish the panic would die down so more of us can get supplies too.
I've had it with searching for ammo. I back-order it and then just relax while it comes to me.

Exactamundo jackstinson. I also use Cabela's in-store pickup to save shipping costs. And, those dry boxes you get with bulk purchases come in handy. :evil:
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