They just ran a story on fox that said gun purchases up

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You'll all notice that a good chunk of this thread disappeared. This was due to the political direction that the discussion and debate was headed. This one was hard to post without engaging in a political debate, I know...but political arguments are best reserved for Armed Polite Society. There is a direct link at the top right hand corner of this page. Go and vent to your heart's content. While we may touch on the political aspects and ramifications of 2A, we may not argue politics.

Now, to the topic:

1. Tough economic times could cause people to result to crime

Oh, yeah. Folks are gonna buy a gun through legal channels so they can go rob banks with'em. Uh-huh. I can see the logic in that.

2. People fearing Obama's potential gun control

I think this is the likely reason that gun and ammo sales are up. I also think they'd be up even if the polls indicated that he was going to lose by a landslide. Maybe not as much...but they'd be up.
Are you in fantasy land?

There are a certain number of people that will vote for a particular candidate thinking that he will wave a magic wand and we will suddenly live in "fantasy land".

However, the ugly truth of reality is what the rest of us will be living in.

Buy them deep and stack them deep.
a story on fox that said gun purchases up
The reasons they listed were.

1. Tough economic times could cause people to result to crime
More proof that Faux News is just another anti second amendment "news" outlet :banghead:.
a story on fox that said gun purchases up
The reasons they listed were.

1. Tough economic times could cause people to result to crime

More proof that Faux News is just another anti second amendment "news" outlet .

That may not be an anti statement. I do not know, having not seen the context it was in. It could simply be unclear.

Perhaps they meant criminals will be resorting to crime more in tough economic times, so self defense is more important than ever?
My brother in law just called my sister (his wife) and said that they need to get a gun now before Obama gets elected...

I have been working on him for a LONG time. When I first brought it up over a year ago, he was very resistant to getting a firearm. Now, with the economic times we are starting to see and some of the good influence I have been on them, he is coming around.

They are planning on picking up a Glock 26 this week. :)
I would say it is directly related to the world economic recession. We are certainly closer to things falling apart then ever before in our lifetimes.

Seems pretty obvious to me; if it gets ugly, people want to be armed to protect themselves and their loved ones. And hunting is starting to make more sense than ever.
1. Tough economic times could cause people to result to crime

The context to which I understood it to mean was:
People are buying guns to protect themselves from others who may turn to crime since times are bad.
The gun-control issue is very much a political issue, AND it's genuinely gun-related. There has to be a way to discuss this honestly and effectively without getting posts or threads deleted. I understand the " no politics" rule, but when a legitimate gun-related topic like gun-control inevitably gets somewhat political, and how can it not,there's got to be some leeway here.
Right ?
I have recently quit several gun forums due to the hateful and racist attitudes of many people there. I would hate to see things get bad here too. I may have to consider making my own gun forum where hate and politics is not allowed. Pity...........:banghead:

I just now re-read the rules at and it appears to me that they contain no such prohibition...

There is an intent to be read in the rules. the rules do not have to be to the letter of the law. You can touch on politics but postings get edited if it going to lead into arguing politics.
Like the code of conduct says is private property.
I think it's funny! People buying extra guns because of who they think will be pres...HA! Good for them, I'll take just about any excuse to buy a new gun! :D Makes sense though, if we belived the next president might ban beer, I'd be buying beer by the seavan!
The gun-control issue is very much a political issue, AND it's genuinely gun-related.

Agreed. Again...I know it's very hard to talk 2A without getting tangled up in politics...because it's a political hot button. The problem starts when the thread starts to look like a campaign for...(Insert the name of your candidate here)...that it crosses the line. Or, when the argument for or against (Insert name) because of his/her stance on whatever that it gets locked down...hopefully before a valued member violates a hard, fast rule and gets himself/herself warned or banned. That's why I stepped in. First, I tried to steer it back on course, and...failing that...I deleted the posts that appeared to be reaching meltdown BEFORE they forced the staff to act. If that had also failed, I'd have locked it rather than see anybody get booted.

So, ya see...

Wait for it... :rolleyes:

Here it comes... :rolleyes:

I'm from the gub'mint, and I'm only tryin' to help ya.

I humbly suggest the people who do not like government or redistribution of wealth to move to Somalia and see how it works there. :scrutiny:The redistribution of wealth there is done at the end of an AK-47 barrel.
I have had several people that I know approach me recently and ask me about firearms in the last few months. I have taken two of them to the range and showed them how to safely handle firearms and shown them different calibrations and mechanisms in the last two weeks. One of them bought a pistol from me, the other is buying a rifle from me. They're both first time gun owners that are concerned about the current economic situation and want some way to protect themselves.

The world is a scary place in the best of times, and right now isn't the best of times.
I've picked up two guns in as many weeks. bought a Glock 23 last week and a Mossberg 590 with a bayonet lug today.
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