Thinking of getting a FFL

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Sep 30, 2003
I’ve been kicking around the idea of getting a FFL. Is this difficult to obtain (besides filling out an application and paying your $200) ? For you FFL holders, has it been worth it, or has it been more trouble than it is worth ? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Used to be as simple as that for the 01 FFL. Now you have to careful as some localities require a business location and zoning laws have gotten people. The BATF can alert your local LEO which in turns alerts the local government and you get caught in the run down. It don't always happen, but I know of a few who had to pull their application because of the local government.

Local zoning is the biggest hurdle. Assuming you want to be a "kitchen table" FFL and not invest in a storefront etc, it's best to live in a smaller town where you can be buddy-buddy with local government and the zoning board is all members of your bowling leauge, or even better an unincorporated area with no zoning oversight whatsoever.

From the ATF side of things, you have to be "actively engaged in the business". I don't know that means you actually have to turn a profit per-se or be a dealer full time, but you do have to be selling firearms on a regular basis, running a table at a gunshow etc. If they think you've gotten an FFL just to enhance your private collection on the cheap, and set up a few friends with free transfers, they'll pull your license.
this is good news for me, since my parents live in an unincorperated area. would this mean that If they were to get an FFL then running a business would only entail doing transfers and ordering in guns for those that wish to do so? if thats the case then this sounds like it might just work.
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