Thinking of selling pistols to fund PS90...

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May 8, 2008
I have had an FN Five Seven pistol for a while and have been interested in getting a PS90 to go along with it. In that light, I've been thinking of selling my two 9mm handguns (and a Hi Point Carbine) to help fund this, thus making my collection smaller and more mobile.

The CZ custom, that I posted a picture of a few weeks ago, is one of them as well as a Springfield Armory EMP. They are both great guns, but the reason for getting rid of them is for the purpose of downsizing, both weapons and ammunition. I personally think, IF a PARTICULAR situation happened, some people have TOO many guns to even take with them, and ammunition types too. This decision wouldn't be made lightly, though. Both of these pistols are great shooting, . . . as is the Hi Point, really. I'm also considering selling a Remington 870 and a Ruger 10/22 as well, though I may not sell the Ruger as it would be good and accurate enough for small game.

Anyway, after this, I would have a .22lr pistol and an AR-15 (set up as a "long range" weapon), and probably the 10/22. I have an Egyptian Maadi that will probably go to my brother, since he has a lot of 7.62X39 shooters as well. Also would keep a small .380 for carry.


*Disclaimer - Please do NOT make this a debate on ballistics. It is not the purpose of this thread. Thank you!
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It strikes me that the guns that you currently own have better day-to-day utility. PARTICULAR scenarios are entertaining but I wouldn't compromise the functionality of your current collection for questionable utility during an unlikely event.

Now, if you just want the dern thang, get it.
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Yeah, . . . I am very aware of the unlikelihood , . . . and I'm glad about that. I probably won't actually do what I'm thinking of, . . . and as for "just getting the dern thing", . . . they're too pricey to just buy outright without financial help from some other means.

You can blame Stargate SG-1 for my fascination with them. . . . that and their short profile and 50 round capacity. :uhoh:
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With that in mind, of my firearms, that one is the most fun to shoot also has the least utility: Beretta CX4 .45. ;)
I'd still have the AR-15 for the zombies. ;)

Plus, I plan on buying another 2,000 rounds of the 5.7X28, giving me just over 5,000 rounds. If there are more zombies than that, . . . I'm screwed anyway. :D
I own a 5.7 and PS90 combo. They are a pretty slick pair. I wouldn't worry about ammo availability. In fact, right now 5.7 is one of the few rounds that I find in good supply at most places, and, prices have either remained steady or even come down a bit in a few instances.

That said, I would have a hard time getting rid of the pistols. The Hi Point, not so much, as your PS90 will replace it.
some people have TOO many guns to even take with them,
Correct, but we will have something there is ammo for. No worries having too many.

I think you will miss that EMP, and it is relatively cheap to shoot. I have sold/traded some nice guns though, just because I wanted something else and was cash poor.

I only have a couple of guns that were purchased for possable "bad times". I have guns I like to shoot mostly. If bad times do come, something I have will suffice. I don't really worry about it much.

I am stocked up well enough for shortages like we are experiencing now, and that will be sufficient for bad times, if they ever happen, but the stock is 90% for shortages vs a SHTF senario.
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It isn't that I'm necessarily "cash poor", . . . I have the money for it, but I just feel I have too many guns in my safe and just would like to down size a bit.

You're right that I'd probably miss the EMP. I'm sure I'd miss anything that I sold. But not having a PS90 is also something I don't have that I want. Again, it's a "damned if I do, damned if I don't" type of thing.
A CZ custom and a Springfield EMP? Wow, in my book, those are two keepers for sure. I've been playing with getting a bullpup myself but I wouldn't sacrifice those types of guns for it. In fact, I have a "FN" fund that I try and throw $50 a month into. And I dug through my closet and safe and found all kinds of extra mags and holsters I'm going to sell here to finance the cause. Plus, I forgot I have a nice old P-38 that I don't really shoot. But a CZ and a EMP? No way.
No to rain on your parade, but the 3 big advantages of the P-90 are gone with the PS
short barrel , AP round and select fire.

the 5.7 pistol now has competition from XDM, or the old stand by Glock 17, and sorry but I'm not going to use a pistol at 100 meters.

Still a cool gun, even if not super practical for civvies, If I had a cool 1250 burning a hole in my pocket, I'd think about, still proably would get a SVT or the yugo sniper.
bender, . . . you make a pretty good argument there against selling them with just your enthusiasm alone! :D
The Beretta CX4 (9mm) is a possibility as well - half the price. Only thing holding me back is I'd like to shoot one first to see if it is half as much fun as it looks. My buddy has the FN and it is an absolute hoot to mess around with.
26" long, 50 round magazine, super reliable and easy to maintain, ammo match with your Five seveN, cheap and plentiful ammo these days, almost zero recoil, good after market support for add on. What is not to like.

No doubt that if any guns are available for purchase in 10 years the EMP will be for sale so you can replace it, can not say that about the PS90. Get it now and get it for sure I say.
I have the fn 5.7 pistol and love it.I would like to have another because I am greedy.The ps90 would be cool but I can't afford it.What I may do is buy the new 5.7 upper that will work on my ar-15.Now you are set with a rifle and pistol that shoot the same ammo.I may buy the upper and save up for a lower and make a dedicated ar 5.7.50 rounds and can we make that fully auto?:what:
Ruggles said, "26" long, 50 round magazine, super reliable and easy to maintain, ammo match with your Five seveN, cheap and plentiful ammo these days, almost zero recoil, good after market support for add on. What is not to like.

No doubt that if any guns are available for purchase in 10 years the EMP will be for sale so you can replace it, can not say that about the PS90. Get it now and get it for sure I say."

So far, this post says the most about why it would be a GOOD reason to sell and buy the PS90. You can bet that these will eventually be banned.
Okay, I've thought about this long and hard as well when thinking about purchasing some "tactical" weapons. Perhaps the next ban will be different than the Clinton-era ban? Perhaps, when they "ban" a certain weapon, they will become, indeed, "banned". In other words, it won't be legal to even own one, less buy one, with no grandfather clause.
Hey, the guy is trying to solve all the nation's problems by just printing money and taking government control over multi-national businesses so who knows what's up his sleeve next?
I really like my FNP-9 and have been very tempted by the Five-seveN/PS90 duo, but the combination of prices ($2,700 and up) is a bit steep. On the other hand, the gun-control freaks get so bent out of shape over the Five-seveN (the "armor-piercing handgun" as the Brady Bunch call it), it's almost your civic duty to own one.

BTW: The PS90 is offered only with 10-round and 30-round magazines. Not sure how one would convert those to 50-round magazines, though I would imagine it's possible.

The rifle and pistol together hold 50 rounds, which should be adequate for most situations . . . .

Also, the SS190 AP ammunition is very tough to get; FN only accepts orders for the standard military loading from government agencies and it's shipped from a bonded warehouse.
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Bill, they have 10, 30, AND 50 round magazines for the PS90/p90 carbines. FYI

I really like my Five Seven pistol. It came with three 20 round magazines, of which two of them I converted to 30 round magazines and plan on buying one more 20 rounder. Fun to shoot! But yeah, . . . the price for both would be extensive.
Not a bad price for the 50 rounders these days. I currently have 11 x 50 rounders and consider that enough. You can buy a very easy to install kit that takes 30 rounders to 50 rounders.
For $7.50 each they are a great deal.

Free is also and option for the 30 to 50 conversion. If you can cut plastic you can convert them without a kit.
I tend to think fo the purchase of a PS90 not a good idea. 5-7 pistol is fine though. Most guns shops are having a hard time moving PS90s at prices barely above cost. I really think it is a bad investment on that end.

However if you want one then I would say go for it. You can have a pistol and rifel in teh same caliber.
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