Thinning out the bevel on a knife

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Sep 16, 2007
Here's what happens when you get carried away, thinning out the bevel on a knife.

Oh. For reference, these knives began life as hollow grinds. And the bevels took a lot of thinning out, even before the grinding reached the hollow. So much for the folk-reasoning that hollow grinds have weak edges. They basically start with the same edge as any other knife, plus or minus w/e the manufacturer decided on for the specs.

I've heard it said that a scandi grind is a good starting place for a fat convex. A hollow grind turns out to be a good head start on a full flat!
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It isn't that hollow grinds have weak edges, but that the blades themselves are more prone to breakage. I always consider that to be an unfair comparison to other grinds and misuse of the blade since no one would foolishly complain about a knife being "prone to breakage" compared to an axe or other big chopper with a lot of "meat" to the body and bevel.
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