This guy is brilliant, insane or both

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just to......

posting mostly to move this back to the top of the list.
it is about time some one called these people out publicly.
good job keep it up.
it seems the nay sayers have disapeared!?!? did ya'll finally get it or are you just to embarrassed to continue to support the racists on the other side (naacp). if we (that is all of use who truly want to live in a free society) continue to play their P.C. games we will lose, it is their game and their rules.
way to go for mr. birch for changing the rules and showing all thinking people how :confused: they realy are.
Hmm. Mr Birch sounds like he's responding to a request by the NAACP. I fail to see the problem. If you dislike it, I recommend contacting the NAACP and asking them to reverse their request. I doubt it will happen, but hey. I've been surprised before.

I'm sure it took a fair amount of courage to do this. I wish Mr Birch the best of luck.
Seems brilliant and dangerous to me. We need to change tactics once in a while. This is the sort of thing that could swing votes, once reasonable people see the absurdity of the NAACP complaint.

Since I have no desire to see the public disarmed I only hope the NAACP would capitulate before the "stunt" does impact sales to black people in that region.
You know he posted that over a year ago, right?

The policy is still in place, and anyone who complains is still being referred to the NAACP. I haven't decided whether it's a good idea or not, but I'm ready to find out where the line is.

It is also important to note when you tell people about this that Concealed Carry, Inc. WILL sell a firearm to an African-American if the NAACP approves. All you have to do is call the NAACP, get their approval and have them speak to John or put it in writing.

If you want this to be prominent again, you could always write to the NAACP and ask them whether they've decided to allow to John Birch and Concealed Carry Inc. to sell to black folks yet. Frankly, CCI is so small I doubt he's on the NAACP's radar.
I think he's making a valid point. The NAACP need to decide whether they want to portray African Americans as helpless dupes who cannot control their primitive impulses and who require special protection not afforded to other groups ...or they can return to their original mission of fighting for legal and social equality, while providing equal opportunity for success.
They are rapidly becoming an ineffective fringe group....even to blacks.
The NAACP needs to be reminded of the old saying:" Be careful what you ask for. You just might get it." :D
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Wha, wha,wha,wha,wha,what, Y'all ain't never heard of the John Birch Society?, it's been around forever.
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