This is bad

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Terrorist idiots are torching Jewish schools around the world, outside of Isreal and the Middle East.

These stories typically don't make the news. We need to keep watch in our communities and also share information like this if the major news outlets refuse to track stories like this that don't fit in with their world view or display human freakishness (i.e. OJ/Micheal Jackson/Kobe Bryant/Lacy Peterson/Dru Sjodeen/etc.).

There IS a war going on. The anti-semites, the communists and the anti-Americans all want to destroy liberty.

I'm not Jewish, but I am a life member of I believe it's the most realistic gun rights organization around.
Yep, that's pretty darn scary.

However, at the risk of sounding really radical, I'd go farther than to arm the school staff -- I'd institute a mandatory gun-safety class, and make every student that can afford a handgun carry one.

What really pisses me off about the post-9/11 world is that we're so afraid of terrorism, but aren't willing to do what's necessary to fight it where it stands. Dropping the '94 Crime Bill, '68 GCA, and '34 NFA are the first best ways to do that. But the sheep won't wake up to reality.

"As another Jew I can say with some confidence that Jews vote their conscience. " -- Ditto

(AND many even "hang-out" on THR!)
So intimating that a certain group is by and large Democratic is demonizing them?

Are you implying that all Democrats are like Hillary and not like Zell?
The Jewish community is definitely moving towards the right. I think the left's drift towards atheism and humanist values is contributing to that. My girlfriend is a very reformed Jew (I'm baptist ;) ) and her whole family voted Republican in the last election. On the other hand I knew few Jews in college who joked about an unwritten 11th commandment: "Thou shalt vote Democrat."

As for the anti-semitism thing, I have been called an anti-semite by people that don't really know me (like some people on this board have :rolleyes: ). I laugh it off because of their ignorance. How many of them attended a passover sadir last year? The truth is some folks take any criticism of Jewish Culture, Zionism, Israel, Ariel Sharon, Torah as anti-semitism. It should not be. There must be room for legitimate criticism and critique.

The tone of your pithy comment regarding voting preferences tells me you may be an anti-Semite: if I'm wrong, I apologize.

"Anti-semite" is not an epithet which should be followed by "if I'm wrong, I apologize". If you aren't sure, then you should keep your f---ing mouth shut! In my house those would be fighting words. On the internet not so much. "Anti-semite" up there with pedophile on my list of insults.

I think I was pretty diplomatic....I stated that the gentleman's generalization indicated he MAY, I repeat, MAY be anti-Semitic.

As for diplomacy, try harder. It is one thing to disagree with someone's ideas. It is another to call those ideas anti-semitic. It is even worse to call that person an anti-semite. You jumped all the way to the end and then tried to soften it with "may" and "sorry if I'm wrong". Learn to temper your words.
The public at large may be moving to the right. My girlfriend, a Catholic, is a liberal Democrat county social services manager (with a social worker degree). But she doesn't see strong Dem candidates and disagrees with their fiscal policies (to the same magnitude as she dislikes some Republican policies). She voted Governator in our CA recall election.

My point is if you notice more Jews voting to the right it might not be a Jewish thing.

Real anti-Semitism can be a subtle ugly thing. In my youth I was a 'victim' of people who didn't even think of themselves as malicious. Those people were management individuals who just wanted me to quit my job :eek: . So many of us are hypersensitive to the possibility. Some of us do rush too quickly to judge.
Well, there was that thing about 60 years ago in Central Europe,

So one could understand why a Jew might be just a leetle bit sensitive, and be tempted to do the Yossarian. ( Walk around backwards with hand on pistol while trying to look in all directions at once) That said, if I get annoyed by something a Jew says or does to me, which word or deed is stereotypically Jewish, and say so, that doesn't mean I want to murder him and everyone who shares half a gene with him. It doesn't mean I'd exclude him from society, refuse to do business with him, not greet him cheerfully the next time we met, not give him CPR if he fell over and stopped breathing, etc etc. Am I not allowed to laugh at Jackie Mason's jokes because I'm a Gentile? Hell, I suffer from Scotch-Irish jokes, and had ancestors who suffered from deadly S-I "jokes". I dunno, I seem to have been a misfit minority of one my whole life, not exactly fitting into any group. Belonging to a cohesive group may attract nasty attention from envious outsiders, but it has its good points too, as everyone knows. (I believe that's mentioned in the Bible)

Gee, why did I feel compelled to explain myself so much? Internalized anti-anti-Semitism or something? Why can't I be philo-Semitic most of the time without getting raked over the coals if I get up on the wrong side of the bed now and then and make a grumpy observation about my Jewish neighbor? Hey! some folks are just grumpy! Could it be -- Jew Envy? (I wish I was one?)
To get back on topic, I don't think slightly-grumpy-from-time-to-time American Lapsed Christians are the enemy here; what you need to fear are the loony Mohammedans. I say loony advisedly, "Allah" started out as the Moon God. Oops, here comes a fatwa.
if I get annoyed by something a Jew says or does to me, which word or deed is stereotypically Jewish, and say so, that doesn't mean I want to murder him
"Allah" started out as the Moon God. Oops, here comes a fatwa.

Are you trying to be bigoted, or does it just keep slipping out?
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