This is why gun registration is wrong

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if he is, he is "shooting himself in the foot" (bad jokes, im famous for 'em)

because if the range is shut down, more folks will be inclined to shoot on his land!
KiltedClaymore, if you're talking about antis trying to get a range shut down, it does indeed happen in Arizona. See my post above about the range in Prescott.
I would be disturbed, also.

I have never heard of this type of agreement before where a range's 'bullet landing area' is on other peoples' property! This should be rectified immediately if not sooner. I hope that with the NRA's help, that the range can be made safe for the residents in the area as well as for the water resevoir. There is no excuse for unsafe range practices. We have enough of a PR problem without this kind of thing going on.

OK, you missed the part where THERE IS NO PROOF that the rounds came from the range. Hell, since these people obviously didn't like the range to begin with, there's reasonable doubt that these people may be responsible themselves. Even if not, determining that the rounds came from the range is going to be awfully hard.
Didn't the same sort of thing happen during the DC sniper case where "they" wanted people to bring their rifles in to be tested? :fire:
I saved a screensot of the story before yahoo pulled it

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