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Jan 1, 2003
I've been lurking on the "TFL Threads" here and was determined not to reply, lest it appear to be self advertising. However, I'm compelled to respond, not on behalf of TFL but on behalf of THR. (Mods I know this is a separate thread and encourage you to merge it if that best suits your needs.) Brother Oleg has posted on TFL today and I think I owe him at least that much support here.

Back to TFL vs THR. I'm gonna say this once and hopefully get my point across.
There is no TFL vs THR. There never has been, except in the conjured images of some few who substitute assumption for lack of information. To a man, each Staff Member from THR and TFL considers the others friend and family. More importantly, we support each other....because that's how we're gonna win this fight. That's where the anti's have so much over us...they understand who their friends are.

Take a look at Oleg Volk, Eric Powell, Juan Avila, Joe Hart, Jason, Rich Lucibella (and others who will forgive my unintended slight for not listing them). Can you name One Time you ever heard one of us bad mouth the other? You can't because we don't. We know what we're in this for; we know who our friends are; and we support each other. In fact, three of the guys above helped give TFL it's initial start in '98....and i'm certain that Oleg can say the same of THR.

Now I couldn't give a rat's backside (no offense Oleg ;) ) whether the Members here or anywhere "support" TFL. But as long as you're a member on THR, then you owe it to yourself to support THR. And supporting THR doesn't include public snipes at its fate, its Staff politics or the fact that it has "competition". Support means leading by example; articulating well thought out debate; rising above the Us vs Them attitude; raising the bar.

Similarly, if you've got a problem with THR/TFL or any other firearms site, then do something constructive: Email the owner or Staff there. if you don't get a proper answer to your concerns, speak your mind and Vote With Your Feet. Just don't give the Anti's a minor public relations gloat by venting your speen or sniping. That's the act of a "Common Man" and, Lord Knows, this spinning Rock is awash in more than its share.

As to a TFL/THR competition or Staff fallout: Get real. We don't break ranks over something as ultimately minor as an Internet discussion site. Do you?

Best regards-
Rich Lucibella
I don't see gun forums- or gun magazines- as competitors. I see them as supplements to one another, and read most. One always has something that didn't appear in the others.

And, yes, I'm already back at THe Firing Line. Will still post here, too.

Lone Star
Each forum would likely have some facets which the others don't, a bit like different dog breeds...same species. THR got its start with Rich's help. Neither site intends to supplant the other. So please support TFL with your participation and web links. And some people ought to rejoice at the re-opening of TFL for it gives them a second chance.

Rich, I'm glad that TFL is back.

I'm TFL member #105 and THR member # 6. Glad to be on both.

For the people trying to start a competition between the boards, that is just plain silly.
What's the big deal????? The more the merrier. I will happily browse and contribute to both and a few others to boot.......I multi-task.

I for one am extremely happy to have TFL back online. I for one am extremely happy to have THR online. Heck I have even been known to visit Glocktalk:scrutiny: Just don't tell anybody puleeessssee:uhoh: :D

Here is to the new and improved TFL and here is to THR may they cyberexist in harmony.

Personally, I think the slightly different flavors that TFL and THR offer seem to compliment one another while appealing to the same, wonderful crowd. Both offer a high quality of personal character amongst the posters. Can't go wrong with either, and both has to be twice as good! :D

Thanks for the good words. :cool:

Frankly I'm having a hard time understanding all the angst over what is essentially a really cool deal. More RKBA forums = more exposure for RKBA viewpoints, more good people to learn from, and more places to surf every day. What could be better?

'A course, I'm a bit biased as TFL was my first firearms forum and it still holds a special place in my heart. I just think it's really cool that you guys are back in business.

I agree with everything posted above. The more pro-RKBA sites the better.

THR: Carry on.

TFL: Welcome back.

Let our numbers make the anti's they can hopefully come to their senses and convert.


Thanks for the post Rich, I'm sure that will help put some of the more tremulous minds here to rest. I for one love THR and will never leave, and have also registered on TFL. Nothing will ever tear me from either forum - I enjoy them equally.

Thanks are in order to both Oleg and Rich, as well as the moderators that make these forums seem like one big happy family.

i will have to second everything said above. rich, thanks for making an appearence here. i know that it means a lot to everyone. both of these sites are a wonderful wealth of information and when i'm online and hanging out here, it almost feels like i'm chillin with a whole group of like minded and very intelligent people face to face. i have learned so much from both sites and i know that both TFL and THR will do well and will complement eachother perfectly. my only regret is not making time to hang out with some of you in person. rich, welcome back. oleg, keep her rollin!
Man, I've been waiting all day for someone to say that, Rich. Enough with the sniping! It's not Us v Them. There is no them, there is only US.

Sister forums will find their own niches naturally. Especially so since we will have such a large overlap in membership and staff. Be grateful that our cup runneth over. Stop the madness! :)

- Gabe
The biggest problem I see for people who will read both forums (most of us I believe) is that there's gonna be a crapload of crossposting.
Rich, first off: WELCOME BACK!!!!!! Hope your break recharged your batteries.

Second: Dang it!! Now I'll have to go get a wireless net card in my laptop, as I can't get to TFL through the firewall at work.

Looking forward to having 2 high quality boards to boast membership in.
My only complaint is that there is not enough time to visit each and every forum every day..That said I must admit that I have learned an awful lot fron the various forums and can't pick a favorite..They are all my favorites..
May they each and every one prosper and continue to educate and amuse the shooting community..
It's brought a smile to my face to read your well thought out articulations once again. It's good to "see" you around.

Staff - "Member" status for Rich doesn't seem quite right. Would it be possible to bestow on him a title more fitting?
Rich, Oleg, an idea to bat around:

What about getting with the staff at awbansunset and getting all 3 to post links to the others in prominent areas of the respective boards?

They are most likely the 3 biggest boards dedicated to the fight from now 'till Sept. Each one has thier dedicated "core group", each has different resources that are useful. I know I've seen stuff on each that I haven't found on the others. I guess we could call it our war wagon per say.

I don't know how others feel, but as for me this is the biggest fight we've had since we lost in 1934. And we all need to recognize that it's "join or die" time.
Mr. Lucibella, I'm definitely glad that you're back in the game. Losing The Firing Line was a definite blow and I'm heartfelt grateful to Oleg and all for helping get THR online and running.

I am not a plankholder on either forum, but I consider them both to be extremely valuable resources and a sort of home where I can visit with people of like mind.....something I certainly don't get around the house.

Thanks for bringing TFL back. I'll be more than glad to post there as well as here, and look forward to what the future holds.

And to all that would like to foster a war between the two entities, remember that vulgarity isn't just about bad language. 'Vulgar' comes from the latin word for common and is more of an insult than a compliment. To be "common" one had to lack refinement, education and manners. Please don't fall to such a level as we all suffer for it.

postscript: when's Correia coming out with the official TFL 'grand opening' shirts and hats?
Rich -- thank you for your kind words and encouragement, thank you for your words over here, and most of all.. thank you for the outstanding example of what an RKBA board can be!

We don't break ranks over something as ultimately minor as an Internet discussion site. Do you?

I don't, but I've seen other sites get pretty ugly about it. THR and TFL are very similar though so I don't see it happening here.

Good luck with the re-launch of TFL, so far it seems like smooth sailing.
TFL vs THR makes about as much sense as 9mm vs .45..........:rolleyes:

Anyone REALLY interested would have them BOTH!!!!!!!!!

Well spoken.

I posted here on THR similar sentiments. I will not be a part of ANY "use vs them".

I was 'taught' better.
I was taught to take any problems I had with anyone , be it Owner of a site, Admin, Staff, Mod or member to take it off-line- use PM or Email.

More to responsible firearm ownership than guns.

Support of like minded Forums and peoples come to mind for one.

Ummm, yeah, well, if that is the case that THR and TFL are mutually exclusive (somewhat) boards and we are rising above "us v. them" (I'll back either side--for a fee, of course [will work for guns]), then why am I not being allowed to sign on back at TFL as "KSFreeman"?:scrutiny:

Do I have to keep my LE moniker of "El Tejon"??? Or is there some confusion (mostly likely cause by me).:D
My feelings exactly Rich. Honestly, I'm glad to see TFL back, but THR has become my number one stop. Oleg and the others have done a heck of a job here and I'm not planning on going any where.
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