Thunder ranch given to two illegals

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Gentlemen: I realize that most of you are probably much more astute in legal matters than I, but there's a legal priincipal here that really has nothing to do with the specifics of this case. The defendants didn't offer a defense. The illegals were awarded a default judgment.

I personally don't believe that illegals should have any access to American tax dollars, such as educating their children, medical care, etc., etc. I also wouldn't muss up a fine pistol by pistol-whipping a border-jumper who probably wouldn't be displaying good personal hygiene.

Morris Dees' outfit spends 24/7, supposedly monitoring Klan activities in the U.S. They'd be much more proficient in preventing murders, rapes, etc., if they'd monitor and expose hispanic and African-American gang activities in the U.S.
Nietzsche: Do not look too long into the Abyss lest the Abyss look into you.

Morris Dees is like the proverbial guy with the hammer to whom everything begins to look like a nail. He is in serious danger of acting like the Klan in his pursuit of destroying them. He's clearly on the wrong side here.
Well, something like this would never happen in Texas.

This WHOLE incident happened in Texas! The land that was awarded is in AZ but the confrontation, etc. all happened on land in Texas. The land in AZ was a "sole asset" kind of thing and therefore used for the settlement.

Rockstar, if the civil trial was to be held in south Texas, the defendants might have been advised that they were automatically losers; why waste the money on lawyers?

The award of the land was limited to the owner's equity. Dunno if it was paid for...

Hmmmm -

Gaza Arizona?

Has anyone yet found out why the ranch owner didn't defend himself? Was it really something as lousy and basic as he couldn't afford lawyer? I've got to believe there's going to be an appeal on this one.

Not defending himself (for whatever reason) has to be the sole reason that such a large award was given. As Art pointed out - it was the owners equity in the ranch that was awarded. If he still has a $90K mortgage on it, while it would be a steal in this day and age the illegals will still have to cover the mortgage.

Or will Morris be able to prove that the bank shouldn't be paid because of the incredible and thoughtless "oppresion" these illegal immigrants have already suffered at the hands of the cruel landowner? The article didn't say what kind of cookies the immigrants were given. I can easily see Morris being able to argue cruel and inhuman treatment if they weren't chocolate chip.
Non-defense is obviously not a wise course.


We are still left with a certain asymmetry in the verdict. I think what we are seeing is a message from the Elites to the Governed: We are going to get what we want on this issue and beware, at your grave peril, of interference.
I wonder how much of a mortgage, if any, is against this real property. And maybe there are some attorneys on this forum who can say how this judgment affects what may be owed on the property by the defendants.
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