(TN) Law-abiding citizens turn in firearms to keep them out of lawbreakers' hands

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They did that here in the Twin Cities a couple of times in the last year. They even paid people 75 for a semi and 50 for a revolver. The last one they did not get enought takers to use up the money they had. This will go away soon just wait a month! :neener:
Why can't we turn in the bad guys before they steal our gun.
Instead of the other way around.
What was that about things like this not happening in "red" states?

The opposition is everywhere.
A couple questions/thoughts...

Are the people who turn in all their guns part of the 80 million gun owners in the country, and therefore that number is shrinking with each one of these? These are obviously not the people we can rely on to help uphold our constitution! Preserve freedom...teach a new person to enjoy shooting!

Also, is this really a no questions asked type of deal, or if Wanda the Widow turns in her deceased husband's unregistered MG/war trophy not knowing what it is will she get a shiny new pair of bracelets?

While some of these people may just want to get rid of the firearms in their house (and therefore wouldn't be used for enjoyment/protection anyway), this is the wrong way to go about it. Give them a fair price (or at least better than $100 off a new suit or whatever those cards were) and let other generations enjoy them instead of destroying them.
Seriously, I mean, who does that?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Just when i think people cant get ANY more dumb..... (sigh)
p.s. Notice the semi-proper grammar LOL

"Preserve freedom...teach a new person to enjoy shooting!"
p.p.s. I got my dad into shooting 2 years ago after 45+ years of being unarmed. He now has a Kimber TLE RLII at the ready for home defense.....GOD BLESS AMERICA!
If I were Mr. Taylor I would have kept the guns and turned Mrs. Taylor over to be melted down. I really really wonder why some couples ever got married.
Lived in Memphis for about 10 years (moved away about 7 years ago) . . . Saw this maneuver in action personally a couple of times. Basically when crime gets so out of hand that even Memphis folks start getting riled about it, the corrupt local politicians in that city (Herenton, Ford(s), Peete, Bolton, etc.) stage a big gun turn in. About 20 - 40 ghetto firearms with doubtful ability to go bang get turned in for a gift card or cash worth way more than the gun. The pols slap each other on the back for the cameras, blow a lot of useless wind at TV microphones and go back to stealing themselves.

The City of Memphis is a dysfunctional cesspool. Almost 100 murders already this year which per-capita is probably more than places like Compton, Gary, IN, Detroit, South Bronx, etc. The police force is so corrupt and demoralized, they simply dont give a d*** anymore. Decent folks have left the city for the far suburbs long ago and all that's left is the very bottom of the socio-economic barrel and a few liberal "elites" who just love the "culture" of the place.

It's almost funny how the national media grabbed hold of this and styled it as if some bunch of enlightened southerners were giving up their evil guns for the common good. . . . barf!
What's with all this negativity? A gun turn-in is an excellent idea! Why not carry this a few steps further and turn in all items that criminals can use against us. Knives, cars, baseball bats, golf clubs etc. Let's show those nasty bad guys who's in control here!!!
I live in Memphis and this is the first I've heard of the gun turn in.

There have been several kids killed by stray gunfire in the last few months. That is a damn shame. One minute you're out on the playground with your cousin, the next some crack-whore starts shooting at somebody and your cousin is face down dead on the playground and you take one in the arm. In some parts of this town you can't sit on your front porch in safety. Last month a lady had her 2 year old daughter killed WHILE she was holding her in her arms on the front porch!!:cuss:

It's a sad situation, but the cause isn't guns. My guns haven't run out the front door to shoot people in...well....never.

Memphis has bigger problems to work on. Memphis is above the national average in EVERY category of crime that the FBI tracks.
Two thoughts on this.

A. I hope you can fight off a burgler with a gift card.
B. I hope that suit looks good on you in you coffin.

Picked up a "gee officer, don't know where that came from" 1917 US Navy marked Smith one time under a car in a nightclub parking lot. I still think about that one. Still sitting in the evidence locker as far as I know.
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