Today is my first day Open Carrying.

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Grizfire said:
I don't open carry, but I'm not going to tell you not to Nightwing. In fact, since its you, and not me, I say go for it. We need more people like you, Nightwing, who have the balls to exercise their rights.

By practicing open carry, you are forcing open discussion and increased awareness with the public. Therefore, in my opinion, practicing perfectly legal open carry will have the long term benefit of supporting our RKBA.

So thank you Nightwing.
Well said.
"God God, is that a gun?"

"No, I am just glad to see you...." Sorry could not resist! :D

Glad to see it working out for you Nightwing. With the rise in public shootings due to the fall of morality (IMO) an open deterrance is best in my mind. I don't see how anyone in Colorado can argue against open carry in a church but... that is something that will have to be worked on.
With the rise in public shootings due to the fall of morality (IMO)

Can you explain that for me? I have read and re-read that and am just not getting something... are you saying the shooters shoot because the places are immoral or shooters shoot because THEY are immoral?
My current pastor is a shooter and has a 9mm. But these things occur outside of church.

Huh? Why wouldn't you practice a God-given right inside a 'house of God'?

Even Jesus told his disciples to arm themselves even though it was in violation of the law....
I could go on about the negatives a page or so but this is the high road.

" * Provides many Good Opportunity's to educate people who are otherwise unaware."

-Unaware of what?

*Guns, OC being perfectly Legal in most states, I could go on but i think most can get the picture

I just don't see how open carry is a conversation starter

" * Desensitizes those with an irrational fear of guns."

-People with an irrational fear of guns are the last folks you want to sport you open carry around. They are irrational.

*You speak of that as if it were an Incurable Cancer....

Yes I do and i don't see how open carry would change someone with an irrational fear of gun anymore than free airplane rides would change someone with an irrational fear of heights.

* Is a tactical advantage should you (god forbid) ever have to use your gun for the reasons you carry it.

-It's a tactical advantage to wear body armor and a helmet but I'm not gonna do it. No reason too and disadvantages far outweigh the advantages.

*Really? Then why do so many people still Ride Motorcycles if Body Armour and Helmets were such a disadvantage?

So are you saying motorcycle gear will help in a shootout? Are you saying it's practical to wear a Kevlar helmet and Dragon Skins while you open carry? Apple and oranges but good try.

"* Can be a good defuser in certain situations."

-Really? Tell that to your average LEO.

*No need, It was an average Local LEO who Told me that one.

What hypothetical situation are you thinking of? There are alot of folks undeterred buy guns badges and authority. I'm sure your local LEO would agree. I bet there are LEOs on these forums.
I would be curious to hear their opinions.

"* If you have a good respectable appearance, you show people that Gun Owners are not a bunch of crazy inbred Hic's."

-What's considered respectable looking?

*Depends on where you live, It could be anything from Jeans & a T-Shirt Without Holes, to Casual Slacks and a Nice Shirt.

Looks are very subjective. What many people would consider gangster looking or criminal looking is normal dress in many parts of the country. If you take looks into perspective then it's a huge double edge sword.
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