Toddlers and home defense storage

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If this is your first child you will soon be amazed at how resourceful pre-school kids can be in getting to whatever they're curious about. And the pushing furniture around and climbing!

Yep. Mine's 2 1/2 yrs old and she gets more resourceful by the week.


At 18 mo, you're just now getting into the climb everything and mess with stuff stage. You can move stuff around all you want, but in the end you should buy a small safe. I moved my bedside gun to several different places before finally breaking down and getting one. I just got a small drawer safe and bolted it to the floor next to my bed. It's not as quick as grabbing a gun off the nightstand, but it's quick enough and easy to use. Plus it only cost me about $30.


Not to call you out, but if you have any ideas on how to gun-proof a determined toddler, please share. I agree that children should be exposed to guns so not create a taboo or mystery in their minds. However, the fact is that a 2 year old kid cannot be gun-proofed, chemical cabinet proof, or electrical socket proof. Once they hit 5 or so, sure, let the gun-proofing begin. But at 2, they just don't get it. You can teach them not to do stuff when you are watching, but when you run to the bathroom, all rules are off.
thanks for the ideas. I think i'll put the shotgun in the RSC, and buy a small lock box for the HD pistol. I'll continue to conceal carry my "everyday" pistol until bedtime (which will then be placed in the small lock box as the HD pistol). Thanks for the help.
My 4 year old daughter is just starting to realize what firearms are all about and since she's been able to crawl I've had everything locked.

I've got an 870 in the walk-in closet, master bedroom (also the family's safe room), mounted in a Mossberg Loc Box:


One handgun secured on each floor of the house, locked in a Micro Gunvault:


All remaining firearms are in the RSC.
been there also. and suggest for home defense the same thing also:

keep a loaded magazine for a BHP in your pocket or a large size Leatherman belt sheath. place a BHP ( or 2 or 3) about the house unloaded and of course, out of sight.

one can never cover every whichness a kid can get into or around. so untill they reach the age of reason (some will leave home still short of it) the parents must protect them from themselves as well as the family from the world.
Please don't rely on thinking that she can't get out of her crib. One day you will put her in there for a nap, you will be watching TV, and she will walk through the room, and you will wonder, how the hell did you get here. They learn quick, and they don't tell you when they are going to do something different.

I used to keep my CCW on top of a high entertainment center in my bedroom. She started climbing a lot more. I didn't really want to spend the money for an expensive handgun safe, but then I thought about the day she managed to climb to the top of that entertainment center, and if something catastrophic happenned, I could never forgive myself for not dropping $150 on a little safe.

I went and got the Ft. Knox pistol safe. Shipped it was $157. It holds my fullsize XDM9 with a Streamlight TLR-1, my Glock 27 for CCW, and my LCP with Crimson Trace for CCW. Now I don't have to worry about using my compact CCW for home defense, because it holds the CCW guns and my dedicated home defense gun. It will reliably open for you every time, no electronics. No combination to spin or key to unlock it, because it uses a Simplex lock. You can change the combination on it to whatever you want. I plan on putting some glow in the dark paint on the buttons so that I can see them easily in the dark. The $157 more than paid for itself with the peace of mind that I have, knowing that my little girl can't accidently shoot herself with my gun.
I had the same concern.

I decided to have only one firearm for home defense and keep all the others locked in the safe.

With only one weapon out of the gun safe it became much easier to deal with.
It's in a quick release lockbox next to the bed.

This seems ideal to me when a kid is around.
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