Trail camera thieves ..... Beware!

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I went to my ranch last weekend and found that both of my cameras had been stolen by some d-bag. I'm going to hide a few to try to get photos of whoever did it (if they come back) and am going to post a similar sign, just saying that I already have pictures and to put the cameras back or I go to the sheriff and post them all over the internet. Hopefully the bluff works, but I'm not counting on it.
Reminds me of the old joke about the watermelon farmer who found that someone was stealing melons. In an effort to scare off the thief he put up a sign that read "One of these melons has been poisoned". The next morning he found a sign in his field that said "Now two of them are poisoned". has a 98 page thread w/ 1) pics of trespassers caught on trail cams and 2) posts about not being able to post pics of trespassers because their trail cam was stolen, 3) posts w/ pics of trespassers stealing bogus trail cams while hidden trail cam is catching the action, 4) advice on how to deal w/ said trespassers, 5) posts on how you can't actually deal w/ trespassers/thieves that way and stay out jail yourself, 6) the obligatory reply "that is why I follow the "SSS rule", and 5) assorted posts of relief that there aren't "that sort of people" on their property.....yet.
The sign has better effect if you picture a toothless fellow in coveralls, whom your not sure would bury you or just feed you to the animals.

Much better than,
"Good day kind Sir, please allow me the time to inform you that, at the request of the land owner, your presence is unwelcome at this time.

So cheerio and fond farewell to you."
^ That's funny!

A few years ago I was kayaking down a fairly small stream (bumpy ride!). When the water got slow, I had a ultralight w/ a small rooster tail to fish my way through. Saw a bunch a yellow signs ahead and when I got closer they read "Danger Venomous Snake Habitat". The water was slow enough that I was able to make a few passes through there. I forgot to mention the electric feeder and the 18" rainbows. :D
those are some good signs.

Reminds me of one I saw in my friends neighborhood. His sign read "Be very quiet, I'm hunting burglars. So are my neighbors"
I lost one as well and I'd only just invested the 120 bucks in the thing a couple of months previously. Wish I had a secondary set up - now I know better however!
Someone needs to invent a decoy camera with a built-in GPS locator... but not so the thing can be tracked. Once the thing is ten miles away from it's programmed location... it releases a stink bomb that can't be cleaned away.
Okay, a stink bomb set off in their vehicle may not "teach thieves a lesson" but it'll still stink up their vehicle... hopefully forever.
A lot of guys here on their high horse. If someone stole your camera, would you just fart out a rainbow and ride away on your unicorn or would you be upset?

Obviously the guy was pretty irate that his gear that he bought with his hard earned money was stolen. Thrieves are at the bottom of the food chain.
watermelon farmer ( not C Bronson...) got tired of thieves and posted a sign " One of these melons is poisoned."

couple days later the 'One" was marked out and replaced with "Two".

---> kinda backfired.

my guess is he did not have a 2nd camera and was bluffing.

bet he has 2 now...
I have a measly two acres. Better watch out that you don't look like a deer or feral hog trespassing and stealing. I live in Texas.
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