Trusted review of the Civivi Cogent


Staff member
Jan 3, 2003
0 hrs east of TN
My buddy Msg Kim Breed does this article for Blade Magazine and he liked the Cogent very much.,6IHN,2I8RT0,WNCR,1


The Cogent button-lock folder from Civivi is well put together.
20-pound bond copy paper. ,,, The Cogent zipped through it without hesitation. The blade was super smooth during slicing. I used a push cut for a full slice. The knife most definitely has a fine edge.

Staying with a push cut, I used the Cogent to effortlessly slice single-walled cardboard to shreds. The edge never stalled in dispatching the medium. Man, this thing is wicked sharp! There was no twisting of cuts, just straight slices. In fact, it sliced so quickly I had to really watch my fingers to avoid cutting them.

I took it up a notch by slicing plastic board. It was like there was no variation at all in the speed and control of cutting. The only difference was the absence of the zipping noise emitted by the cutting of the cardboard. It was nice, quiet slicing with no hang ups.

There was some 6-ounce leather on the bench for skiving. I decided to slice just a part of it up first. Talk about aggressive cutting! I could easily hear the crunching from every skive. The Cogent sounded like it was actually taking a bite out of the leather—which I guess it was. I did some skiving on another piece of leather with similar results. This knife is a wicked sharp cutter.

I would carry this knife every day. It holds a sharp edge longer than most. The second-best thing is the comfortable handle. It is made for using. The Cogent is an excellent folder.
That last would be enough for me, but Kim's detail tell the tale.