Trying to convert an anti

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Speaking as an ex-anti:

If she really, truely believes in her position, it may be very difficult or imposible to convert her there and then.

That doesn't mean it is not worth discussing it with her.

If you can make a few points that throw doubt on some of her positions, then she may be more open to change at a later date, when other events/ information could convert her.

(At any rate, that is roughly what happened to me).

Oh, and try to avoid calling her "stupid" or "insane" or a "Commie" (even if you think she is) ;). For one thing, someone can have a foolish idea, without they themselves being stupid. And an intelligent (or sensible) person can use perfect logic to reach a wrong conclusion, if they have been fed bad information to start with.
I personally see no point in converting anti's. I like guns myself but I do believe in a certain amount of gun control. There are some crazed individuals that just shouldn't own guns!:D I used to work with a bunch of em'!:D

If she doesn't like guns, let her think that way.
Naz- tell her that you will buy her ice cream for-life if she will go to the range with you :cool:

liane, glad you are with us!
Welcome to The High Road, Liane!

I was antigun until around 1994, and for me, not knowing anyone into guns, I read EVERYTHING I could get my hands on. I wish I'd had THR back then.

Nazirite-This one is going to take a lot of prodding. Before you get her to the range (assuming you ever do!), tell her that while you respect her viewpoint (LIE!), doesn't she think she should be able to render a firearm safe if she happen upon one, or if some children should find one? If she succumbs to that logic, show her how a gun works (no ammo) and how it is unloaded. Get her to go through the process with her own hands.

If she refuses to learn, then she is truly hoplophobic, and you're wasting your time.
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