Tumbleing brass

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Mar 27, 2004
Is it necessary to tumble brass to clean it? Or can a brass cleaner or polish be used.I shoot about 100 rds a month and for that I don't think a tumbler would be needed,or would it. If a tumbler is not always needed what would be a good brass cleaner/polish.
Nope. Flitz will do you just fine. Brasso will too, but it's got ammonia in it and that's bad for brass. Any hardware store should carry 'em both. There is, or used to be, liquid cleaners made specifically for cleaning cases available too. Brownell's, I think.(www.brownells.com) Or your local gun shop may carry it. You mix it with water, drop in the cases for a while then dry 'em on a cookie sheet in an over set on 'warm'.
A little steel wool works well for some.

I prefer a tumbler, though. Maybe I'm lazy.

Stinger :D
IF you shoot a wheelgun, tumblers are optional.
With autos, or after continued use for decades, occasional tumbling for wheelgun calibers is eventually necessary.
I tumble auto brass every time, and revolver brass every third or fourth time if it shoots fairly clean.
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