UN Gun Control Conference Update

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Nov 16, 2005

June 26, 2006
UN Conference on Small Arms Opens in New York
The UN Disarmament Conference in New York has opened.

The UN Webcasts parts of the conference.

From the Press Release opening the conference, "Five years after the adoption of the United Nations Programme of Action to address the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons, some 2,000 representatives from Governments, international and regional organizations and civil society will meet at United Nations Headquarters from 26 June to 7 July 2006 to review progress made; toaddress future cooperation and activities; and toassess challenges on the road ahead.

"By unanimously adopting the Programme of Action in 2001, the United Nations Member States committed themselves to collecting and destroying illegal weapons, adopting and/orimproving national legislation to help criminalize the illicit trade in small arms, regulating the activities of brokers, setting strict import andexport controls, taking action against violators of such laws, and better coordinating international efforts to that end.

"The small arms Review Conference should reinforce the momentum for action among Member States, civil society, international and regional organizations. The Conference is also expected to welcome the establishment of a group of governmental experts who will meet in November 2006 to tackle the issue of reining in illegal arms brokers.

“The Conference offers an opportunity for all countries to review their pledges to get rid of illegal trade in small arms and, for this purpose, to develop a strategy for further implementation of the UN Programme of Action, agreed in 2001”, stated the President-designate of the small arms Review Conference, Ambassador Prasad Kariyawasam, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations in New York."

United Nations Member States committed themselves to collecting and destroying illegal weapons, adopting and/orimproving national legislation to help criminalize the illicit trade in small arms,

So, what they're saying is, they're going to collect and destroy illegal weapons, but first make sure that all weapons are illegal?
They are criminalizing legal arms to make them illicit. They are selling the member states a bill of goods as a piece of paradise and a freedom from violence.
Did they use this before in Cambodia and Germany?
"By unanimously adopting the Programme of Action in 2001, the United Nations Member States committed themselves to collecting and destroying illegal weapons, adopting and/orimproving national legislation to help criminalize the illicit trade in small arms, regulating the activities of brokers, setting strict import andexport controls, taking action against violators of such laws, and better coordinating international efforts to that end.

Time out.

I thought the definition of "illicit" was "against the law." If it's against the law, isn't it already criminal? Why do they need to criminalize actions that are already, by definition, criminal actions?
I thought the definition of "illicit" was "against the law." If it's against the law, isn't it already criminal? Why do they need to criminalize actions that are already, by definition, criminal actions?
Because they can.

Because they want to act like world government.

Because they want to BECOME the world government.

And they want to give socialists around the world more ammunition--pardon the bad pun--another excuse to take guns away.

Because maybe they're hoping Speaker Pelosi, a known gun-grabber, will someday have it ratified in the US. [shudder]

This whole thing scares the bejeebers outa me.
As reported today on "Cam & Company" Sirius 144, the first two countries that spoke began with phrases that were similar. "All illegal guns first start out as legal guns, therefore we must address these legal guns...."

Yep, pards they ARE out to get us all! Thank the Good Lord for John Bolton and his people. The U.S. will never sign onto this sham.
In addition to increasing the scope of the definition of what type constitute an "illegal weapon", the UN is pushing hard for regulation - meaning licensing/permits, sales, transfers data records etc.

If you want a model, look at Europa. Any firearm that is possessed, sold, transferred or stored out of the system is considered an illegal weapon.



"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so" --Adolph Hitler.

Hitler thought the same way as the UN general membership:fire:
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