Unannounced Gun Control

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anti-gun zealot Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT).
Here are the sponsors:

Sen Cornyn, John [TX] - 1/25/2005
Sen Grassley, Chuck [IA] - 1/25/2005
Sen Hatch, Orrin G. [UT] - 1/25/2005
Sen Kyl, Jon [AZ] - 1/25/2005
Sen Nelson, Bill [FL] - 6/6/2005
Sen Santorum, Rick [PA] - 6/15/2005
Sen Specter, Arlen [PA] - 6/15/2005

The only dem other than DiFi is Bill Nelson. I wrote Santorum and Specter about this when I got the alert, looks like I just reminded them to sign on if anything :rolleyes: pigs

EDIT: I misread the summary status, DiFi is the main sponsor and is listed seperately.
ATF is part of the DoJ.

uh, i'm pretty sure it's under the department of the treasury.

when this country was founded, the idea was to put a premium on personal freedoms. as my father taught me, responsibility balances freedom, so it was understood that folks were responsible for their own safety and for their own actions. as time wore on, the eloi wanted more and more protection, which the government was happy to grant to the point that now there are many "crimes" which can get a person a fair stretch in jail or prison without hurting another human being. it is my opinion that there should be no laws whatsoever regulating my behavior if that behavior doesn't cause actual, direct harm to another person. if i want to smoke myself to death on crack cocaine, so be it. that's darwinism in action.
we have created a society where people are cowed into submission. i am, in many ways, a traditionalist. as a man, it is my responsibility to provide for the safety and well being of my loved ones. if i want to do that in California, for instance, i have some difficult choices to make. to protect them from violence, i risk prison. obviously if i am in prison i can't provide for them financially and emotionally. this is an ethical dilemma that government has no right to put a person in. it is a fundamental violation of our human rights. the question is: how long will we continue to give more and more power to our "masters", how long will we allow them to create crimes?
uh, i'm pretty sure it's under the department of the treasury.
Uh, I'm definitely sure you're wrong. It was part of the Dept. of the Treasury until 2003, when Congress moved it to DOJ.

"The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is a law enforcement agency within the U.S. Department of Justice. Its unique responsibilities include protecting the public and reducing violent crime. ATF enforces the Federal laws and regulations relating to alcohol and tobacco diversion, firearms, explosives, and arson."

"Effective January 24, 2003, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) was transferred under the Homeland Security bill to the Department of Justice. The law enforcement functions of ATF under the Department of the Treasury were transferred to the Department of Justice. The tax and trade functions of ATF will remain in the Treasury Department with the new Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.

In addition, the agency's name was changed to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to reflect it new mission in the Department of Justice."
The full name is The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, but when abbreviated it is just ATF.
Rather than adding new letters every five years they should just give it a general-purpose name, and rename it the Bureau of Saving Children :p
The name was changed once in the 33 year history of the agency. BTW, if you don't like it write your Congressman, as they are the ones that renamed it when moving it to Justice.
Good breakdown Rev. Here is the story in short form that gave me a wake up call.
The gov. gave a bone the the environmental wacko a few years ago and bared the use of a certain kind on farm chemical to pacify them. They said it left a harmful residue in the wheat. But Canada uses it all the time and we allow them to sell a bunch of wheat down here. The point is if it is so harmful why do we allow the wheat to come into the country? The farmers down here need the chemical to control some weeds. So the farmer went to canada whitch is 40 miles away and brought some back and some for his friends and neighbors. Even the now governer of the state used some. The farmer was fined $25,000.00 and about 3 years probation and the loss of his 2nd amendment rights. I may need some corrections but this is the story in a nut shell. If you are a Democrat you have come to enjoy being screwed by Democrats; if you are a republican you have come to enjoy being screwed by republicans.
BATFE doesn't deserve a 3 initial acronym. They are not a REAL agency.
The full name is The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, but when abbreviated it is just ATF.

I dislike using the abbreviation "ATF" because it gives the BATFE a bit more respectable appearance. Any agency tasked with policing Constitutionally protected objects can only obtain so much respect.

Yes, I realize they are just doing their jobs. "I was just following orders" is not supposed to be considered a valid defense. Just my opinion. I fully realize it and $5 will get you a coffee at Starbucks.

Yes, I write my Congresscritters. And visit, and call, and email.

If you are a Democrat you have come to enjoy being screwed by Democrats; if you are a republican you have come to enjoy being screwed by republicans.

The version I like more is : If you vote Democrat, you're gonna get stabbed in the chest. If you vote Republican, you're gonna get stabbed in the back. Choose wisely.
REV: we're on the same page. Always remember that Paul was not innocent because he just held the robe. The Norenberg defence was "I was just following orders"
If you vote Democrat, you're gonna get stabbed in the chest. If you vote Republican, you're gonna get stabbed in the back. Choose wisely.

Ooohhh, that is choice, RevDisk. :)

May I use it in a sig someday...with appropriate attribution, of course?

REV: we're on the same page. Always remember that Paul was not innocent because he just held the robe. The Norenberg defence was "I was just following orders"

Yep. I suspected so. I just like being difficult. ;)

Ooohhh, that is choice, RevDisk.

May I use it in a sig someday...with appropriate attribution, of course?

Sure. No prob, use anything ya want.

Yeah, but now the get to investigate arsons as well as commit them

OH! Dang! So wrong, yet so funny, Zundfolge! :evil:
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