"unregistered guns"

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May 9, 2004
On the drive home this afternoon, I was half-listening to the radio, and half-heard a story about someone who'd illegally provided a machine gun to someone who shouldn't have had it. I don't recall if the recipient was a non-citizen, or a felon, but it sounded like the provider of the machine gun shoulda better known better.

Anyway, they search the provider's house, and find "a number of unregistered guns," not "a number of unregistered machine guns," just "unregistered guns."

Just the other day, one of my co-workers was telling me about her new gun (her first) since I'm the resident "firearms afficionado" (I'll not say gun nut, outta respect to another thread). She asked if she should "re-register" it in her name, as she got it from her brother. I asked her, "With who? :confused: "

Why do people (even gun owners) continue to think firearms are or should be "registered?" Did I miss a memo?


There is no formal "registration". Just the 4473, and the NICS check that dealers do. If she bought the weapon from the dealer, just tell her that is what the yellow form is for. If she did a PPT, tell her the truth, that the federal government has stated that there is no registration of firearms, and only certian states require registration of weapons.

As for why people think weapons are registered, you can thank hollywood for that stupid myth. (although they are effectivly registered if your gun is papered, {4473 & NICS check}).
Was this in Texas or another state that the search was made?

Class III firearms or weapons are VERY registered. If you take a fully automatic firearm out of state, you have to inform the BATF before doing so. BATF is very serious about fully automatic firearms.

My suspicion is that this story may relate to the publicity that the NY mayor is getting about gun registration. I believe that Michigan and NYC have registration of firearms. Newspaper people report that the "guns were not registered" to suggest that they are supposed to be. Again, it depends on the state or location.
I'm not sure where the search was conducted, as like I said, I didn't hear the first part of the story.

I'm quite aware of registration requirements for NFA goodies, but the term "unregistered gun" from anyone makes me want to bust their head. The reason dealers keep 4473's is because F-troop is explicitly prohibited from keeping a national registry, yes?

California, Illinois, and NYC have varying degrees of registration with that FOID crap and the Kali AWB, but when I hear someone in Texas worry about "registering" their gun, it makes me wonder where they pick this crap up. Most people are still under the impression there is a waiting period to buy a pistol, and argue that full auto and suppressors are absolutely verboten.


I think most people just assume that there is registry and licensing because lots of TV-shows about police/The Law take place in cities where such things are required (NYC, Chicago, LA(?), etc.). It's not anything malicious or anti-gun on their part, it's just that they don't know. At least, that's been the case with all of my friends.

I just take it slow and explain the process for buying/owning a firearm (emphasizing all the way the law-abidingness of it all. Shazam, makin' "us" look good!)

Note: Packing.org is one of the most awesome resources ever for helping to explain such things to people.
As for why people think weapons are registered, you can thank hollywood for that stupid myth. (although they are effectivly registered if your gun is papered, {4473 & NICS check}).

I think that more blame should be placed on the news media. Those reporters that aren't out right anti-gun are, at best, unknowledgeable about guns but act like they are. That is a common characteristic I see on any subject. News reporters are always reporting like they experts on whatever the subject is and in doing so often present false inaccurate information as if it is true. The problem is that this ignorance and egotism trickles over into sensitive areas and completely false information influences people's opinion and knowledge in those sensitive areas.

For example, back in Feb. a UF football player had a ND that went through an adjacent apartment window. The article covering this incident was filled with false assertions.


False assertions and anti-gun prejudice:
- The article stressed how the officer saw “AK47 and AR15 assault rifles” through a sliding glass door but glossing over the fact that a .38 caliber shell case (which was from the ND) was found.
- The article also said that all the guns were “legally registered” to the football player. So now Florida has a gun registry? Did they mean that officers checked the serial number to see that they were not listed as stolen?
- The article ended with a number of individuals saying that the football player was such a good guy and that they were shocked a student would own “assault weapons”

It is demonizing and ignorant media coverage like this that leads to such inaccuracies being believed by so many.
Does PPT have to be registered in NC? Just curious cause I've bought 2 firearms from individuals & not dealers & just not told anyone...is that illegal here in NC?
Why do people (even gun owners) continue to think firearms are or should be "registered?" Did I miss a memo?

Nope. You just haven't been paying enough attention to the leftist extremist so-called "news" media. One way to make national firearms registration possible is to keep talking about firearms registration. All the leftist extremists need to do is make it seem ordinary.
Watching "Cops" tonight, they stopped some guy with a .22LR Rifle in his back seat. First thing cop asked was "who's it registered to?". Then they arrested the guy for having a loaded firearm in his vehicle, which they said was a felony. (What a state!)

So it is only natural that people that know little to nothing about firearms believe they all must be registered, not to mention that it is illegal to take it out of your house.
A radio station I used to listen to (KKFM, Colorado Springs) had a contest requiring the winner to destroy a cell phone in the most violent manner.

One contestant called in and was about to shoot his cell phone with a .44 Magnum.

The DJ asked "Is that gun registered?.

The contestant said: "Um, yeah."


This is Colorado, still part of the USA last time I checked, we are not required to have 'permission' from the authorities to own handguns, nor are we required to 'register' them with said authorities!
Most people are still under the impression there is a waiting period to buy a pistol, and argue that full auto and suppressors are absolutely verboten.

They are in WA. 5 - 60 day waiting period for pistols if you don't have CPL. MG's, SBR's, SBS or any parts thereof for use therein are expressly prohibited. (WA State can send the military after you for a $6 slab of metal, (AK auto-sear), (even if not installed, and you don't have the weapon.) Supressors are allowed, but it is not legal to use them.

(RCW 9.41.090 , RCW 9.41.190 , RCW 9.41.220 , RCW 9.41.250)
@ Offwhite:

In NY State: Ballistics fingerprinting is requred for revolvers and pistols, sent to the State Police. (New York Consolidated Law 396-ff) It is a class A misdomener to transfer a firearm without a 4473 check, (New York Consolidated Law 397; New York Penal Code 265.11, New York Penal Code 265.17)). Technically, it is illegal to even posess a firearm in NY state. (New York Penal Code 265.01).

Private transfers in New York State are banned without a 4473. If you have done "paperless transactions" in the past in NYS, I suggest keeping it under your hat, and letting nobody know about it.

This is just state law. I'm not getting into various localities. I don't feel like looking at the book for another 45 miniutes. If you want to know your locality for NYS, look at pages 303-319 of ATF P5300.5.
this frustrates me too. When i was a novice to the world of firearms and was contemplating buying my first gun, yea, the ONLY reason the question of 'do I have to register my gun anywhere' popped up in my head was because of TV and news. Today whenever I see a MN news refrence to unregistered gun, I always think 'okay, where the hell are you supposed to reigister your guns with in MN? you couldnt' have a truely registered weapon if you tried, because no state office is set up TO register firearms.

Basically throwing in unregistered by the news media in areas where no registration is required is just a way to make the gun seem illegal, hence the crimestory more spectacular, to the uninformed
I was actually the only person in my concealed handgun class that did not raise their hand when the teacher asked "Who here owns a registered firearm?" I think he was as amazed as I was.
Here in Mass we have an additional form called an FA10. Technically it is not registration, but for all practical purposes, it really is. The FA10 is a "Firearms Sale/Rental/Lease Transaction Form".

The state tracks the transfer of a gun.

But it's not registration. :rolleyes:
Hawaii registers every gun, in aBIG way. You have to re-register yourself annually to even BUY a gun, then you have to register it right away (and they DO check!).

Here is how stupid it is. I get my long arm purchase license. Requires a full background check with fingerprints. Good for any number of long arms for ONE year. I buy a Ruger 10/22 at a gun show. I show the seller my permit. He records all of my info and the firearm info and sends it in to the police. I'm supposed to go to the police station within a week and register the EXACT SAME INFORMATION they already have!

I was PCSing when I bought the 10/22 so I just shipped it out without taking it all the way downtown. I get a call from the police asking what happened to the rifle. Well gee, ossifer, you already know who I am, how to contact me, and have all the info on the rifle from the seller. What exactly is the point in showing the rifle to you? I just passed a background check including fingerprints. What are you worried about?

But of course I'm missing the point. The goal is not to track firearms and owners, but to make it so expensive, time-consuming, and a pain in the ass to buy a gun no one will want to!
How come.....

there is so much discussion of a "weapon registration" when this is a "gun registration" thread? As far as people in Texas wanting to register guns, you have to remember there are alot of people that have moved to Texas from NY or CA and want to change Texas to be like the states they came from, thus, gun registration.......chris3
The country keeps going the direction it is we will have to register large kitchen knives, and make sure we keep them locked up when we are not in the house. They are deadly weapon after all, and I might buy a knife that had been used in a robbery, or sell one to a criminal...I just do not know what has happened to the country in the last 40 years. I grew up small town mid-west..Missouri, and really have a hard time seeing why I am always a threat to society until someone can fingerprint me or background check me. Guess older dogs don't like doing new tricks.
k_semler said:
Private transfers in New York State are banned without a 4473.
That is only true of handguns and transfers at gun shows. Private transfers of rifles and shotguns outside of a gun show do not require any sort of background check.
Class III firearms or weapons are VERY registered. If you take a fully automatic firearm out of state, you have to inform the BATF before doing so. BATF is very serious about fully automatic firearms.

I am guessing that there are as many, if not more, full auto weapons off the BATF registry than are on it.

Just a guess, but I have a sneaking suspicion that quite a few never made the registry.

Perhaps this is a good thing, a bit of counter-intelligence for the banning crowd.

After all, why mount a campaign to register firearms if a great number of people already believe this is to be the case.

"I am guessing that there are as many, if not more, full auto weapons off the BATF registry than are on it. Just a guess, but I have a sneaking suspicion that quite a few never made the registry." May be true, but probably less common then you would think.

A friend in xxx was setting up a non-union coal mine. Somebody calls the state police that he has a machine gun and shooting it at the mine site. He is driving to work.... makes the turn off the main road toward the mine and is immediately surrounded with guns pointed at him, SWAT units, US Marshalls, etc. dragging his butt out of his vehicle, and not being very friendly at all. It was all made up and totally untrue.

Another person I heard about supposively had an unregistered Russian AK from Iraq.... believe me the BATF check on these things VERY closely. They will put you in a world of hurt in a minute if you are caught with one of these. I later heard that the referenced gun in question was cut up with a torch and spread around the county in small pieces. You don't mess around with this stuff. You go to prison and they throw away the key! It is not good to even joke about it.
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