USA: "Teens support gun control, poll says"

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USA: "Teens support legalization of all recreational drugs, removal of consensual sex age limitations, removal of age restrictions on driving, and elimination of all other status offenses."
You're right, here's what It's like at my school:
"Dude, It won't kill you, it's just a cigarette."
"Dude, you won't get AIDS, it doesn't happen here"(However, consensual sex age limitations are scary in my view. I'm not stupid enough to have sex as a teenager, but saying that it is ILLEGAL is just... simply crazy in my view.)
"Dude, why the hell can't we drive?"

From very early on, kids in public school are usually taught simply: drugs are bad, violence is bad, guns are bad. It starts early, folks.
YES! From kindergarten I was taught this. I remember. In D.A.R.E. we were sort of indirectly taught to snitch on our parents if they kept guns for home/self defense. Oun DARE officer was definitely an anti, you could just tell. Also, we are taught to snitch on our parents in a situation like this:
"Ummm, Officer Treece, what if your parents let you have a couple sips of their beer or wine?" The answer is just NO, Never, Not until you're 21, you have bad parents.
Dammit, I frequently enjoy a small glass of wine, and I should snitch on my parents for letting me? I don't think so. Kids in France drink wine when they're freakin' six!

If I listened to what some young
people are saying, I'd have a huge SUV, a 20X30 addition to the house dedicated
to Blink182, and a direct deposit of my paycheck to The Gap.
That is more true than you think.

I grew up in suburbia Minnesota wondering why we could not own explosives or rocket launchers. I was very unhappy to learn how regulated machine guns were. The ten round magazine limit had me livid for more than a day, and I mean livid.

I was born a libertarian scientist engineer geek with a strong philosphiy on govermental limits, and right vs wrong. I always valued privacy and freedom. I grew up playing with toy guns and was fascinated by balistics and thought shooting would be fun. Video games, toy guns, and self defence got me interested in shooting. Watch star trek sometime and see if enterpise could get by without phazers or photon torpedos for both weapons and tools.

I fail to see how children can grow up with controlling parents, controlling school, and with controlling laws, and like it. I had a lot of freedom as a kid, and did a lot of "unsafe" things, I always hating people telling me what to do, or how to do it.
Wow, you are just like me!

Oh, rest assured WonderNine, many (if not most) of my drawings pre-k and on involved guns. Lots of guns. Around 5th grade a lot of my drawings focused on guns, minus people. Scoped revolvers on up to assault rifles.
Ahhh... just like me in 3rd grade. Then columbine happened, and my teacher made me stop:mad: Don't even think about doodling a gun now, or off to the counselor's office to you! You sick little child!

I would wear SOF and HK Tshirts, have all the pro gun bumper stickers on my backpack and always wore my "gun control is hitting your target" pin.
Yep. Just like me now. Right now I'm wearing my "Peace through superior firepower" shirt.
And its probably worse almost 20 years later.
You bet it is.

You all are right: Most teenagers are stupid.
I am always accused of being too political at school. Whenever I make a point, I get: "Uhhh, Henry, we don't want to hear your stupid political whatever" or this just happened today: "Shut your dippocratic craphole!"
Yeah, you heard right. These people are so stupid, they make up stuff that sounds political, and use it to make fun of me. I was LMAO when I heard "Dippocratic"!

Anyway, teenagers are stupid. I am smart and have better judgement than most people in my age group, but I will admit I have done some stupid things and still have bad judgement, even if it is better than most 13 year olds.

This report is crap. 1/3??? Yeah, yeah. You're friend got some caps busted in him while he was kickin' it wit' some G's down in the westside and you popped out some shots back wit' your Glock? Yeah right.
I love that drawing above someone posted of EVIL GUNS!

My 7 year old regularly draws tanks with American flags blowing stuff up - at school. :evil:
My 7 year old regularly draws tanks with American flags blowing stuff up - at school.
Actually I frequently drew pictures of "war scenes" where there were planes and tanks ans APCs shooting the same. I didn't know who our enemy was back then, but I knew the Nazis were bad guys, so the good guys had the dash-star-dash USA emblem, and the bad guys had a swastika.

My teacher went nuts over how cool she thought it was! One of my classmate's Dad was a high-ranking Army dude, and he liked it as well, so he had me draw him a 6-by-8-foot poster for his office. Apparently his CO really liked it, and sent me a letter telling me so.

This was in 3rd grade. Of course, things changed pretty soon after that, once I entered Junior High.

Rachel, age 7 That's interesting, everyone in this picture is white. Even the rainbow is white. Perhaps in an ideal world, everyone would be white isn't that right, Rachel? Or should I call you RACIST? Nice try, Hitler. F
LOL, that website is how my roommates and I entertained ourselves in College. It is a hoot!

In D.A.R.E. we were sort of taught to snitch on our parents if the kept a gun for home/self-defense.

Being a DARE officer (DARE & DARE middle school/Jr High) myself I take exception to those DARE officers who take the opportunity to use what starts as a good program to pursue a PC/socialist/statist agenda. :fire:
The DARE curriculuum itself is gun neutral. The lessons on violence is about making proper choices and the consequences of making the wrong ones.
If a DARE officer (I won't call them fellow officers they amount to treasonous JBTs) starts interjecting his/her opinion and statist disinformation into the lessons to pursue the party line, they are drifting away from what DARE is about and should be de-certified and their sorry @rses sent back onto the street. :banghead: :cuss: :fire:
Reality has a way of imposing itself on you after school.

And now you know why most teachers and professors are leftist. They never left school to get a dose of the real world. Theories work a lot better if you never have to actually test them for functionality.
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