Poll says Iowans like Rice in '08

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I would love to campaign for Condi.

She is a dream candidate for the GOP. The only problems are I see are:

1. Is she interested?
2. Where is her political infrastructure? So far, it's lots of draft Condi websites and blogs. She doesn't have food soldiers yet, which could change if Bush were interested in giving his operation to her.

I don't get excited about political candidates often, but she, if she were to choose to run, would be exciting for this loyal Republican.
My comment wasn't specifically directed at Democrats or republicans. I just feel the country is too racist and, to a lesser degree, sexist for either party to view a single Black female as viable. I guess we'll see in 2008. I'll be pretty suprised if Hillary gets the nomination, too. Democrats have to realize she's quite unpopular with a large percentage of the population.

Zundfolge, you don't have to suggest that I'm a demcrocrat just because I don't feel Rice will be nominated. In any case, I don't vote rebublicrat. As my uncle said, the choice is diet coke or diet pepsi. I don't want either!
Why doesn't she?

What I think is great is the way the other yahoos are killing themselves for the nomination, while she's blowing them away without even trying.

One thing that has always been said about her is that she always gets in situations/positions where she appears to be in over her head, and ultimately ends up excelling. This could be the case.

'Course I've had a Rice 2008 sticker on my van for several months already. Annoys the beejeebers out of the Kerry-heads more than a Bush sticker ever would. :)

Well, not a citizen yet! But if I was, I would vote for Condi, I know so what you can't vote! But one thing I have is a mind! Mind you being 70 in October lets you know it is a quite an old one!

The most powerful nation on earth with a Black Woman as President, it would be awesome!
Putting all the gender/race comments to one side for a moment, would it not be amazing to have that intellect and language skills at the top of Government?

New American (to be)
Why doesn't she?

Because I think she is unwilling to compromise principles for power, and that is the critical ability a viable political candidate must have.

For example, I cannot imagine someone who is a "2nd Amendment Absolutist" doing what Bush did with the Assault Weapons Ban.

I might be wrong. IF she runs, I would vote for her, but I don't think she will get the nomination, and if she did, I think she would lose the general election.

The world is not as racist as it was in the past, but I still think race would become an issue to some degree in the south, and probably elsewhere. The major metropolitan areas in the south (eg, Atlanta) will vote predominantly Democrat, so it is critical for her to get the votes that Republicans usually get from the rural south in order to be able to carry the state.

I dont think rural Georgians for example would go out and vote for Hillary over Condoleeza just on the race issue, but many may stay home and not participate in the election. If that happens she will not carry the state of Georgia.
But personally, thats what appeals to me about her. I could care less if she's black/white/red or purple or whether she's an innie or outie.

She's tough as nails, brilliant, direct, doesn't have a big sense of entitlement and she manages to keep her cool even when she's being drug through the mud (think 911 hearings.) I don't think she really cares all that much what others think..she has a job to do and she intends to do it. Name one other candidate that you can say that about. :)
Although I will say, if we would not elect her based on her race, then we truly would be getting the government we deserved.
But personally, thats what appeals to me about her.

Same here, but I would bet you are in a special subset of Republican voters. People here on this forum tend to actually care about the values set forth in the Constitution. The Republicans know the die-hard strict constructionists are going to vote for them no matter what. I mean, what are you going to do instead, vote for Hillary? No way.

So you and I are not the type voters who win elections for Republicans. They need to get votes from those people in the center of the bell curve who are willing to compromise their rights for some scrap of protection from the government. A self-declared 2nd Amendment absolutist will scare the heck out of your average middle-of-the-roader. So instead of someone like Condi, they will pick someone more like Bush.
Those my age will remember the sense of excitement when Julian Bond (yeah, that Julian Bond) was offered for nomination in the 1968 Democrat convention for vice president. I disliked his politics, but admired the guts of those Dem's to even take things that far.

Geraldine Ferraro was Mondale's choice as VP for the 1984 race.

This isn't uncharted territory, it's just territory that the Republicans haven't tried at the presidential/vice presidential level. (Although GW has done more to promote women and minorities to positions of real power than any previous president).

If the Republicans had any clue as to what they were doing, they'd start laying the groundwork now for a Rice candidacy. Even if it didn't come to fruition, they would have at least put the wheels in motion and have been prepared.

I'm just praying that the Republican leadership is that forward-looking.
I'm just praying that the Republican leadership is that forward-looking.
Forth looking is of no value if there is a big black spot over the field of vision. A tsunami is approaching the land of elephants and I see nothing to indicate that they perceive of a problem. Oh, tsunami? Revolt against illegal immigration.
She has my vote if she runs and write her in if she don't.

I can't imagine anyone else even being remotely qualified or that I would even trust out of the pool of possible candidates. Rice has something the other probable don't have.........brains and a clean slate.
Where does she stand on the U.N. and preserving our nation's sovereignty? Where does she stand on immigration, legal and illegal? Securing the boarders? Strict construction of the Constitution? Nation building and foreign interventionism? War on (some) drugs? Need some answers to those, and some other questions, before I take my vote away from the Constitution Party candidate.
What if?

Say for instance.....Dick Cheney fell ill, and could not fulfill his duties? And Ms. Rice was placed into that vacant seat for two years? Would that not be training wheels of giant proportions...what if?
Rice characterizes herself as an "all-over-the-map Republican," whose views are "hard to typecast": "very conservative" in foreign policy, "ultra-conservative" in other areas, "almost shockingly libertarian" on some issues, "moderate" on others, "liberal" on probably nothing. (She calls herself "mildly pro-choice" on abortion.)

Lets face it, if Thomas Jefferson and Ronald Reagan were somehow cloned and ran on the Republican ticket as President/Vice President in 2008, the same people finding faults in Condi would be calling that ticket a pair of 'statists with no differentiating qualities from the Democrats' and would either vote for a 3rd party noname or claim that they will vote for a 3rd party noname, because that's the hip alternative thing to do, and actually vote for a Kerry/Clinton/Kennedy instead. :rolleyes:
Lets face it, if Thomas Jefferson and Ronald Reagan were somehow cloned and ran on the Republican ticket as President/Vice President in 2008, the same people finding faults in Condi would be calling that ticket a pair of 'statists with no differentiating qualities from the Democrats' and would either vote for a 3rd party noname or claim that they will vote for a 3rd party noname, because that's the hip alternative thing to do, and actually vote for a Kerry/Clinton/Kennedy instead.
Nope, you are badly mistaken. I voted for Reagan both times, and would be happy to do it again if he could come back to life as a vigorous man. As for Jefferson, I'm a HUGE fan, and would vote for him in a second. Jefferson is the guy who fought against and eventually stopped Adam's Alien and Sedition Acts, which were very much comparable to the Patriot Act of today in terms of unconstitutional powers given to the executive.

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, also known as the Virginia and Kentucky Resolves, were passed in opposition to the Alien and Sedition Acts. Though often mentioned as a pair in modern historical discussions, they were actually two separate documents. The Kentucky Resolutions (plural) were written by Thomas Jefferson and passed by the Kentucky legislature on November 16, 1798. The Virginia Resolution (singular) was written by James Madison and passed by the Virginia legislature on December 24, 1798. Jefferson and Madison collaborated on the writing of the two documents.

The resolutions attacked the Federalists' interpretation of the Constitution, which extended the powers of the federal government over the states. The resolutions declared that the United States Constitution only established an agreement between the central government and the states and that the federal government had no right to exercise powers not specifically delegated to it; should the federal government assume such powers, its acts under them would be void. It was the right of the states to decide as to the constitutionality of such acts.

The resolutions were submitted to other states for approval but with no real result. Their importance lies in that they were later considered to be the first statements of states' rights theory and led to the concepts of nullification and interposition. They were also later used by the Confederate States of America to justify their secession from the Union during the American Civil War.
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