Using a Lewis Lead Remover on a .44 Mag Henry after range time

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Nov 26, 2018
As I mentioned yesterday in the 'What have you done in the reloading room' thread I planned to take the Henry .44 Mag rifle to the range today and just have some fun clanging steel with a couple of different load options.

Nice day, sunny with no wind. The Henry digested the 240gr PCLSWC's without a hiccup and I was planting the lead on the steel with satisfying regularity at 50 yards standing. It was the first time I ran this particular bullet through the rifle. In fact, it was the first time ever I put powder coated anything into the gun that I can remember.



I shot for about 1.5 hrs and decided to call it day.

Back home I opened the receiver, put a patch on top of the bolt face and looked down the barrel from the business end. These weren't 'hot' rounds and were probably pushing around 1400-1450 FPS max. I saw some streaking close to the chamber end and wasn't sure if it was lead. Ran a brush and then a patch with solvent followed by by a clean patch through the barrel. Streaking was still there.

Decided it could be lead and set about getting the Lewis Lead Remover (LLR) ready for use.

The brass screen mechanically removes the lead. Each LLR is caliber specific. To increase tension against the barrel with the screen you tighten the aluminum nut on the left which expands the red rubber portion. Brass screens are good for maybe one to 3 uses and then they’re replaced. You have to form them around the rubber initially before pulling them through the barrel.


Because of the closed receiver on a Henry I have to use a pair of forceps to hold the LLR in place while I spin the cleaning rod on the threads.


Ready to pull through the barrel:


I pulled it through once and didn't really notice any lead on the screen so I ran it through once more. What it looks like after being pulled through once. The brass screen conforms closely to the rubber at this point.


Couple more times and I saw a small amount of lead on the screen.


Ran a solvent soaked patch through a few times and followed it up with a couple of clean ones and streaking was gone.

Since I had the .44 Mag cleaning jags and supplies out I also ran the LLR through the M77/.44 Mag I shot a week or so ago while testing the 10 round magazine from I.Q. Munitions. A little easier since it’s a bolt and access is greatly increased.


Put the guns up after wiping them down with Rem Oil. Cleaned the table off, put away the rod, jags and solvent and organized the reloading room a bit. After that I put Johnny Cash on shuffle and relaxed a little. It was a good day.

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