using brakleen

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Jonny V

Sep 16, 2010
Carnation, WA
I was at the auto parts store yesterday and saw green cans of brakleen (no chlorine in the formula). I know that people have used brakleen before and that gunscrubber is just supposed to be glorified brakleen, but has anyone used this new stuff in the green can? Is it safe?


By safe do you mean for your liver and nerves or if it will mess up your gun?

Brake cleaner won't eat steel but may destroy plastics, make paint run, dissolve glues that hold optic lenses in place, and it will remove all lube, making relubricating pretty much mandatory.

The only time I find it useful is before I'm painting or other refinishing. BSW
Yes Jonny, you can use the brakeleen to clean parts. If you've removed the trigger assembly from the receiver, spray it good, brush out anything that might be tougher to get off, then re-apply oil, or whatever you choose to use. I've read many threads on here about the stuff, even carburetor cleaner does the job. As BSW said, watch it on plastics!
I'd always seen Brakleen in the red can at the store. Now it's in a green can too. I don't use all that much of the stuff, just enough to rinse out the bore and blow the goo off of steel parts. Then I get going with the brass brushes and the CLP and Hoppes #9. I was just wondering if anyone had tried the green can of the stuff.
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