VA GOP requesting CCW Permit info

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As a resident of the Old Dominion and a CHL holder I'm not at all happy about this.

Wait until the next "fundraising" call hits my phone...

Be Safe!


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From a targeted fundraising perspective, that would be good information to have.


So long story short but the VA GOP wants permit holder addresses to seek funding yada...

And then I thought. How would the MAIG and the Brady bunch like it if gun owners published THEIR home addresses in a newspaper. Public info, where they live.....and we know they aren't armed.
They can have it as far as I'm concerned. Several years ago newspaper staff from SE Va got the list under freedom of information act and posted it. I just love to see my name in print it makes me feel warm and fuzzy.:rolleyes:
This demonstrates what I've been thinking for about the last 7-8 years--there's not a nickel's worth of difference between the average Republican and the average Democrat, at the federal or state level.

I am opposed on principle to the Commonwealth sharing CHP data with anyone, though I doubt any real harm would be done. And I don't want any fund raising calls from any politicians, period.
The fact that the state GOP would even think this OK proves they are on the same power trip drugs as the party really in power.

We need to start over.

Private means private and a RIGHT is a RIGHT - especially one not to be infringed!
I will be sure to help them at next election. You know, I love politicians that continue to have jobs w/o doing anything.:rolleyes:
Yea, this is a crock of Hokey Horsecrap. They fight to get a law passed about it, then just days before it goes in affect, do this. Typical Politicians...
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Good article, r1derbike, thanks for posting it. The author seems to have finally gotten a handle on the "right to privacy" we all want and expect. I wish more journalists, politicians, LEO etc. would figure that out.

Not one friggin dime will they ever get from me if they get these records and I get a letter from them, not now and not anytime in the future!!! :cuss:
While I would agree that the information in question ought to stay private, The reason for the disclosure does make a difference. See Van Cleave's response in the article.

While some might find it annoying to get such fundraising letters, it does help one determine who supports the right to keep and bear arms, and it helps give politicians a reason to support the RKBA.

Think about it. Wouldn't be a good thing to encourage politicians to support RKBA?
Why would a legislator need voter encouragement to uphold the VA Constitution?

ARTICLE I, Section 13. Militia; standing armies; military subordinate to civil power.

That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state, therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.[emphasis added]

The words are clear--no public opinion required on RKBA.
You could read that as sarcastic, but I'm actually being quite serious. Why indeed do politicians swear an oath they have no intention of keeping, and why do we let them get away with it?
I'm not so sure that was sarcasm. Upholding the Constitution should never subject to the fickle whims of emotion or current public opinion. Nor should be protecting the natural rights of even one citizen.

Until such time that an individual has been proven to have abused their rights, there is no reason for any political group (or any other group, or any individual, for that matter) to know who has a carry permit, or who owns firearms, or who doesn't. The Constitution protects the natural right of individuals to keep and bear arms, even if not one single individual chooses to exercise that right.
Since when have politicians expressed much in the way of respect for the Constitution?

We have all of the anti-second amendment gun control laws, government domestic surveillance programs, a fascist control of the economy, numerous laws designed to protect "ourselves" from "ourselves". Restrictions on free speech (remember McCain Feingold?), interference with religious organizations, political enemies which receive "extra attention" from agencies such as the IRS.

Go back a few decades, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Texas, further back, the Japanese Internment, the whole "New Deal", the arrest of political enemies by Woodrow Wilson.

I am going to rest my case, not just because it is getting heavy, but I think I would rather mow the lawn than continue listing all the trespasses against American Citizens. It gets too depressing.
We should not let mistakes made in the past justify making more mistakes in the future.

If you find yourself in a hole that you didn't want to be in, the first thing you should do is... stop digging. Then, and only then, can you concentrate on climbing back out.
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