vault door

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Feb 27, 2010
somerset pa
i need some help i have a chance two buy a national safe company vault door r they any good ? it has two doors the outer one has a comb lock the inner one has a key lock i don,t know much more about it whats a fair price four it ect thanks
i have,nt seen it yet the guy said the door was 72 high and 31 wide he did,nt know the weight or door thickness but he wanted 300 hundred four it but he did,nt know the combo two the dial
It's probably a mercantile type door. A thin plate door somewhere between 1/4" and 1/2" thick. If it's complete and working, it's worth it. If it has broken or missing parts, be prepared to drop some serious money to make it usable.
ok i seen it last nite the outer door is around 3/8 thick the comb works but he does,nt know the comb the inner door is a bi fold door it works 2 but he does,nt have the key two lock it the door frame is around 16 inchs deep the whole thing frame and doors weigh around 400 pounds it,s made by the nat safe comp out of cleveland oh i got him down two 250 dollars is it an ok deal ?
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