VCDL sets up legal defense fund for VA dealers

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Aug 25, 2004
Received the following from VCDL today:

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg continues his attack on
Virginia gun dealers!

Frustrated with his own inability to control violent criminals in
NYC, Bloomberg wants to export NYC style gun control to Virginia.
Instead of restoring the rights of the citizens of his City, he wants
to intimidate Virginia gun dealers, invade YOUR privacy, and restrict
YOUR Rights!

Gun manufacturers and distributors are now protected by Federal law,
so dealers are in the gun-haters cross-hairs. And dealers don't have
deep pockets.

In Virginia, four dealers have been targeted. Under crushing
pressure from Bloomberg:

-- one has settled (Cole's in South Boston - VCDL is still analyzing
the settlement to decide what action we will take)
-- one has closed their doors forever (Patriot Services in

But the good news is that two are standing up to Bloomberg and
fighting to keep their businesses using their own resources. These
stores could use your business:

-- Webb's Sporting Goods in Madison Heights
-- Old Dominion Gun and Tackle in Danville

As you know, Bloomberg hired private investigators to do an end-run
around Federal and Virginia law enforcement, by running his own
personal 'sting' operation, hoping to find dealers who 'appeared' to
be allowing 'straw' purchases. Why are the Virginia State Police
silent on this?

Whatever evidence Bloomberg has on the four Virginia gun stores, he
won't provide it to anyone, INCLUDING the BATFE!

Evidence? I'm betting he doesn't have anything.

But that doesn't matter at all. What he is doing is civilly suing
gun dealers for large sums of money, forcing them, under the threat
of bankruptcy, to either shut down their business or to give in to
Bloomberg's Draconian demands, long before anything even comes to

That is what happens when someone with massive public funds, and no
scruples, decides to bully a small company.

What does Bloomberg want? He wants to film all the gun store's
customers and to be able to see all the paperwork for the dealer's
gun sales over a THREE YEAR period! He wants to see YOUR
information. He wants to be able to apply crushing penalties on the
gun dealer for any infraction. And any infraction starts the three
year clock all over again! I promise you that that clock will NEVER

Bloomberg is no fool, he knows that it is just a matter of time
before even those stores that sign an agreement with him are going to
go under for lack of customers who are willing to give up their


Unless you want Bloomberg to decide who can buy and sell guns in
Virginia and how they sell them, we had best stand together and stop
him NOW. I was hoping some of the national gun organizations would
step forward and join this fight, but if they have, I am not aware of
it. So VCDL is going to pick up the ball and run with it.


The VCDL Board of Directors has authorized me to do something that
VCDL rarely does - ask you for money (other than your annual dues, of

Effective immediately we have created a fund that will help defray
the cost of litigation for Old Dominion in Danville. We will also
help Webb's, should that become necessary down the road (Webb's has
insurance helping currently). There's nothing we can do for the
other two gun stores now. Also, we do not plan on helping
non-Virginian gun dealers. We leave that to our counterparts in
other states.

You can contribute to the legal defense fund in three ways:

1. Via the VCDL web site:

After entering the amount and clicking 'Continue,' you need to enter
"Gun Dealer Legal Defense Fund" at the bottom in the "Message to
Seller (Optional)" field.

2. Mail us a check made out to "VCDL" with "Gun Dealer Legal Defense
Fund" written on the comment line. Mail to:

Virginia Citizens Defense League
P.O. Box 513
Newington, VA 22122

3. At gun shows there will be a jar on the table labelled either
"Gun Dealer Legal Defense Fund" or "GDLDF." Just drop in cash or a


I can't speak for the other states, but with VCDL members standing
shoulder-to-shoulder, Bloomberg will rue the day that he ever tried
to attack gun owners and gun dealers in Virginia.

Mayor Bloomberg -- take your disdain for our RIGHT to keep and bear
arms back to New York City and stay there! Virginians will NOT be
intimidated and we will NOT bow down to you. If the People of
Virginia could stand up and fight a tyrannical king who tried to
disarm us 225 years ago, we can certainly handle a two-bit politician
from New York City trying to do the same today.


NOTE: Contributions, gifts, or membership dues are NOT deductible as
charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

VA-ALERT is a project of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL).
VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to
defending the human rights of all Virginians. The membership considers the
Right to Keep and Bear Arms to be an essential human right.

VCDL web page:

Patriot Services was a great dealer who mainly worked the gun shows. It is sad to see a local business go under, but to close shop because of what amounts to financial extortion is just plain disgusting.

stay safe.

I think I bought a gun from them at a show (like 5 years ago).

I may have to buy another one just to give them some support ("I insist you use this profit to stick it to NYC!" :) )

I would be surprised if a lawyer with any skill couldn't get this dropped immediately. Out of state government suing in state business who has not business dealings with that jurisdictions. If a federal law regarding interstate commerce was violated, then I can see the feds charging for criminal actions, but not this . . .

Also, what would happen if VA passed a law protecting its own stores from outside lawsuits? Were the cases filed in VA or NY?

Also, what would happen if VA passed a law protecting its own stores from outside lawsuits? Were the cases filed in VA or NY?

The lawsuits were filed in NYC, as the complaint is that the acts of these dealers affected NYC.

IANAL, but as I understand it there really is no *absolute* shield from a lawsuit - even one that exists only to harass the respondant. It costs time and money to defend against the lawsuit, and even if you prevail and recover all expenses in the end it can suck you dry both personally and professionally.

stay safe.

In addition to supporting the dealers, I plan on boycotting NYC companies and products. Go home, Bloomie.
Better (or just as good) as the gun fund would be if someone posted their inventories online so that folks from other parts of Virginia could start buying guns from them in support of their struggle (and in opposition to Bloomingfrickinidiotberg)

Just a question? So a virginia company gets sued in NYC, and a verdict is given against the company. How do they make them pay? NYC cannot attach assets in virginia based on a NYC verdict, can they? It seems an empty victory. If I got sued in NYC civilly, I don't think I would even respond as they would have to go thru a texas court to actually try to collect and that would be a real joke. Maybe the companies do not even have to get or pay a lawyer.

To your first question - yes they can. A New York court has jurisdiction if the Virginia company did business in New York (directly, or even through advertising, etc) or shipped the product to New York. However, since this involved a federal question (at least in part) and there is clearly a diversity of citizenships, all Bloomy had to do was sue for more that ($75k, might be more now, its been a while since I litigated) to bring the case in federal court. Venue would likely be in Virginia (but perhaps not) but it gets them in court.

Now, of course, there is no verdict. These were settlements. Basically, the gun shops either settle or go out of business as they simply can't compete with the legal fees required to go head to head in court with Bloomy - hence the legal fund (and the fact that some have actually settled).

It would be nice if our AG here in Virginia actualy got of fhis derrier and filed a criminal action against Bloomy and changed the stakes.
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